Chapter Seven

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After me and Tony finally separated I went to my room and started the shower. I picked out my outfit for the dinner tonight and headed into the shower. I was so tired and so beat that I stayed in there for a while.
A half an hour later, I came out and tied a towel around my waist. I opened the door and started to change into my outfit. I had pulled on my underwear and pants when there was a knock at the door.
"Come in!" I yelled.
Peter walked in, I felt slightly embarrassed that my fly was down, waiting for me to tuck my shirt in, but I let it be and acted casual.
"Hey, Peter. What did you need?"
I saw the heat rise to Peter's cheeks as he saw that I was shirtless and my fly was open.
"Do you want me to come back later?"
"No it's fine, I'll be done in just a minute. What's up?"
"I was just gonna come up and talk to you. Y'know, before, you seemed really upset about your father, but when you walked into today with seemed nothing less than happy."
"Yeah, I had a great time today..." I said, smiling.
"You don't smile that's a nice change to see it more."
I blushed, "Thanks..."
He seemed to be blushing even more than me.
I slid my shirt over my shoulders and slowly buttoned my way up the shirt.
"Anyway, I just wanted to come up here and say that...I'm happy for you, that you and your dad are starting to get along."
"Why is he suddenly showing so much care and affection? He's not stuttering towards me as much anymore, but it seems like every word I say his cheeks get even redder, and even more so when he he embarrassed?"
"Thanks." I said, shooting him a smile.
I tucked in my shirt and pulled my belt through the loops.
"I didn't know what to wear tonight. So I figured I'd go medium dressy. What are you wearing? Please tell me it's not that..." I said.
"No!" he said chuckling a little and blushing some more. "I'm going medium dressy too. I'm gonna change before I go."
"Oh, whew. Good."
I finished tying my tie and I put on a tie clip. I looked in the mirror, then to Peter.
"How do I look?"
He inspected me, then took a few steps forward.
"Um-do you mi-"
"No, go ahead." I spared him the embarrassment.
He grabbed onto my tie and tightened more to my throat, then straightened it and fixed the clip, his hands grazing my chest.
He looked to me, his cheeks were redder than I'd ever seen them.
"Great." he said.
I cocked an eyebrow, confused.
"Great. You asked how you look, you look great." he said sputtering.
"Oh, thanks." I said smiling.
      I turned to the mirror, tugging on my collar.
      "This isn't working for me..."
      I loosened the tie and unbuttoned my top button letting the tie hang loose around my neck.
"Alright, I'm gonna go, leave-" he bumped backwards into the wall then jumped a little. "go get ready, so...see you later...yeah."
And with that, he was gone.
      "He was definitely more nervous today...I wonder why..."
"Smoak, where are we on the 'Renegade Project'?"
"Practically 100% finished. All we need to do is test it to make sure it works properly. Fine work we have done."
"That's for damn sure..." I said.

When I got down to the dining room, there were hushed whispers coming from my dad, all I heard was: '-act like everything's normal...' then he abruptly stopped when I walked in.
Everyone quickly turned to the person next to them and indulged in conversation. One thing had me set off, everyone was wearing their suits. Tony was at the head of the table with the Iron Man suit on, his helmet sat on the ground next to him.
The only one's regularly dressed were me, Pepper, and Peter.
Tony was at the head. Pepper was next to him, there was an empty seat next to him, presumably mine, and Peter was next to the empty chair. Steve was across from Peter. Nat was next to Steve with Vision on her other side. Wanda was next to Peter, and Rhodes was next to her. Clint was next to Rhodes and Sam was next to Vision.
As soon as I sat down people came out with the food.
I leaned over to Peter.
"What's going on?" I whispered.
He shrugged.
A plate with pasta was set in front of me. I began to eat, as did everyone else. Once everyone was pretty much done eating. Everyone began to engage in what seemed to be unnatural talks. I responded to people who would talk to me, but otherwise stuck to myself and Peter.
After twenty minutes of dinner Tony put his finger to his ear, as if he was talking to someone. Then stood up.
"Guys, we gotta go. We've gotta situation."
Everyone stood up and began to leave.
"Do you need my help, Mr. Stark?" Peter asked, calling out.
I looked at him questioningly.
Tony looked from him to me and back again.
"No, we'll be fine. You stay here. Sorry, Y/N. Sorry, Pep."
Then he ran off.
I slumped back in my seat realising something.
"They all knew that they had to leave before they sat down. He just wanted to have this dinner with me, didn't he? That's why he didn't explain anything about the mission, they all knew already."
Pepper nodded, "I'm sorry, Y/N..."
"It's fine." I said twirling pasta around on my fork.
"I hate to leave after they all left, but I'm still working on fixing this situation you and your father created at the Met... I have to go. I'm sorry." she said looking between Peter and I.
I huffed, then stood up abruptly.
"Where are you going?" Peter asked.
"To play video games...and you're coming with me."
I heard Peter stand up and follow me to my room.
"Smoak, turn the windows to screens and boot up the game."
"On it."
The game started and me and Peter played for an hour or two. Me beating him most of the time. I played better when I was angry.
      After we were done we just talked for awhile. Him laying on my bed, me laying on the floor.
      "Why'd you really help me from those bullies, Y/N?" Peter asked suddenly.
"I told you to get i-"
"To get in the mindset of helping, yeah I know. But why'd you really help me?"
I thought about it myself.
"You think everything through. All the effects. All the consequences. Yet you're still impulsive and you still do reckless things like this. But most everything you do is done with a reason."
"Like father like son..."
"So if everything has a reason, what was the reason for helping me?"
"I guess...when...I-"
"I won't judge." he said timidly.
"I know you won't, Peter. And that's part of the reason why."
"You're a good guy, Peter. A really good guy. And you're starting to grow on me. So I guess when I saw someone, that was being so mean to someone so great, I just kinda lost my cool."
"You think I'm that good of a guy...?" he asked shyly.
"Yeah. Yeah, Pete, I do."
He didn't respond, but I saw in the reflection of the windows that he was smiling a huge 100 watt smile.
A little while later he said that he had to go, and that there was things he needed to do. I nodded and walked him out. Telling Boston to take him where he needed to go, rather than calling an Uber.
When I came back in the place seemed oddly empty, it was kinda spooky. I went down to the gym and worked out for a little while, practicing some of the moves Steve taught me.
I was down there for about an hour before I got tired and laid down in the middle of the ring. I started thinking about life here so far. It's been good. My dad and I finally started to connect. And Peter and I are getting closer. But tonight made me realise that they will always have Avengers duty to go to. I was so torn about what to do, but tomorrow was the official, 'I've been here a week, time to make a decision.' I was just so confused on what to do.
I laid there weighing my options for another hour when someone walked into the gym. I looked down without sitting up and saw that it was Spider-man.
His mask was up to his nose and he was eating a pop-tart. He waved.
"Sup?" he said.
"Oh, you know, the usual: making a decision that could effect the rest of my life."
"What's the decision you have to make?" he asked.
"When I first got here, I told my dad I would stay for a week and then decide if I want to stay longer. I don't know what to do."
"Well, how has life been?"
      He said sitting next to me.
"Well...good. I mean I get in a lot of trouble...and my dad can be distant sometimes, but we really connected today, and Steve and Nat are really cool and nice, and I mean you're awesome. And my friend Mj is really cool, and well..." I smiled.
"There's this guy...I don't know. He drove me crazy at first, but he's starting to grow on me. He's really sweet and nice, and funny, kinda nerdy, but it's kinda cool, I guess. I don't know. He just makes me feel safe. Like I can be me. The only other person that does that is Steve, but he's not really close to me in age..."
He looked a little shocked.
" you like him?"
He had gotten really close, like the first time we met. We had talked a few times after that, but we didn't get intimate like the first time.
I turned to face him a little more.
"I don't know...I've been alone for years with no real friends, let alone people to date, I've never felt like this...especially about a guy let alone a girl..."
"Well, my uncle used to tell me this phrase... 'Follow your heart, and if that doesn't work for you, follow your gut.' You'll just have to decide which one you need to follow."
"That's deep. My dad used to say 'I cut the damn thing twice and it's still too short!' I would just sit there and shake my head. The sad part is he said that just the other day."
Spider-man laughed.
"I think I've always been more of a follow your gut kinda guy, but I mean that's led me to construct a beach in the biology lab, so who knows where that leads me..."
"Maybe it's time to switch it up...?" he said getting closer.
"Maybe..." I mumbled.
He put his hand on the side of my face as our lips connected, my blood heated and my face was on fire. His lips were soft, and sort of moist, but they felt nice. The kiss was...everything.
When he pulled back, he connected our foreheads.
"So what does it say? Your heart." he whispered.
      "That that tasted like pop-tarts," he chuckled. "and, that that was the second best thing I ever did..."
He leaned back on his arms, "What was the first? Wait, lemme guess,"
"Making a beach in the biology lab." we both said.
      We both laid on our back and stared at the ceiling. After a minute he turned to look at me. I saw, but stayed put for a minute, letting him look at me.
      When I turned to look at him he smiled at me.
      "Why'd you kiss me...?" I mumbled.
      "You know how you said that that kid from your school makes you feel safe, like you can be yourself?"
      "That's how you make me feel..." he said to me smirking a little.
      I smiled at him, then turned back to the ceiling.

Iron Boy [Peter Parker x Male Reader]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora