c h a p t e r 1 6

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"Come on, let's go!" Ray yelled from his position, leaning against the hood of his car. Dressed in a navy blue hoodie, black ripped jeans, and black boots. The car was loaded with various snacks, drinks, and a very limited amount of booze, by the only ones with brain cells.

Jisung, Ray,  and I sat in the huge car chatting about the last 24 hours, then only to have Jisung downed half a bottle of Advil mid-conversation. Ray and I exchanged confused glances and then back to Jisung who only replied with, "What?"

We shook our head, "Wow the tree over there looks real interesting." Ray pointed out.

"We're coming! Hold on." Adonai's hair was down and freshly straightened, Violeta followed suit wearing a loose half-up half-down bun. Both of the girls had their arms full, Violeta had a bag full of blankets and pillows and Adonai was carrying a speaker with a karaoke mic.

We all squeezed ourselves in the car. Jisung and Violeta got the window seats, while I got middle. Ray drove and Adonai got shotgun.

"How are you feeling Sungie?" Violeta looked at his weaken and pale state with concern.

"I'll manage." Jisung strained out, his voice is so hoarse that it could barely be heard. Violeta sighed in disproval but left the subject alone. She looks down to her lap sadly, I nudge her and gave her my hand as well as a small smile, to which she returned. I took her head and placed it on my neck. Knowing Violet, she must be stressing about this more than anyone, I hope that tonight we can all let loose for the first time in a while.


We drove towards the general direction of a small woods area, while Ray put his music on blast, (curtesy to every mumble and scream rapper out there).

The car stopped and we all made our way out. We gathered ourselves outside of the car and laid everything needed.

Ray came out from behind the car with bottles of beer. Everyone sat down and began to eat and drink.  All, but Violeta and Adonai, indulged in alcoholic beverages, again those who had brain cells were being the responsible teens we should all be.



After trying their very best, Felix couldn't get drunk, while Jisung barely managed to get a bit tipsy. Oddly, no amount of booze affected them, they were completely sober. While Adonai and Ray were dancing to the music playing on the speaker she brought and Violet and Jisung were belting the lyrics to the song, Felix snuck off deeper into the forest to pee.

He walked in a straight direction far away from them, not really paying attention to where his feet were taking him. The moment he turned to see how far away he was, he found himself in a completely different part of the woods. Glancing in another direction and he saw an abandoned house in the middle of a clearing.

'Odd and spooky, lemme go check it out,' The Aussie thought to himself.

He slowly walked towards the home and stopped abruptly when the building suddenly was full of light. He stood there frozen, until the sound of a blood-curdling scream.

Felix races over to the house, bursting The door open. He was appalled at the sight in front of him, two kids lying dead on the floor. There was no visible blood on their small bodies, they looked empty and ghastly. Felix makes his way further into the house, only to see a woman with bright blonde hair lying dead. All three died the same, except...

The last dead person is drenched in blood, cradling something in their hands. Felix squats down and slightly opens their mouth. Only to find a bloody plant, slowly pulling it out to find a bloodstained plant that burned to the touch.

Blood moonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora