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"Thank you all for coming here today," I said in front of all three members of our squad, Raymond included.

"I just came here for the food," Ray states while shoving a handful of chips in his mouth.

After annoying his sister into oblivion, Adonai was forced to tell him about Felix's situation. Ray didn't seem to care much but he wanted to come for the meetings.

"Thank you, Ray," I said sarcastically.

"no problem, Ji." he beamed.

"Anyway, today we'll be discussing ways to help our boy, Felix. As you know the full moon is coming up and with innocent people walking out at the night of the full moon, I don't want them to get hurt."

"Ok cool, have you guys tried silver?" Ray questions, still feeding on all the snacks on the table.

"What?!" We reply in unison.

"You know, silver. Everyone knows that keeps a werewolf at bay." Ray looked at us in disbelief.

"Ummm Ray, you're farther from the truth. Silver actually harms werewolves, enough of it is extremely lethal. So you should probably check your 'facts' before making a point." Violeta retorted, taking the chips away from the boy.

"Oh, come on! Really, my chips!" Ray whined, slouching further into the couch.

"Well, at least we know the basics, huh. At least we have a start, right?" Felix spoke up in a very tired manner.

"Yeah but that's still sad, you know what, you continue this meeting. Imma go make a guide to help y'all, hopelessness." Ray gets up taking the bag of chips from Violeta with him.

"Yeah...sure. Like that's going to go well and be 100% accurate." Violeta replied, her words laced with so much sarcasm that the rest of us chuckled. It's a new side we really haven't seen, it's refreshing.

"While that happens, I have an idea!" Adonai gets up.

"Adonai takes the stand." I go back to sit down in her spot.

"So, trail and error." Adonai starts.

"..... build on that," I say.

"How do babies learn how to walk? The stand and they fall and they try again. I believe we can use this tactic to help Felix during the full moon." Adonai smiles with full confidence.

"Great idea! One problem, I mess up, people die." Felix states in a matter of factly voice.

Adonai pauses for a second and the shouts, "TRIAL AND ERROR!"

We all jump at the sudden yell. We all nod fearfully. Then she smiled sweetly and continued to tell us how our plan would work out.


Felix was very buggy this week, moon week. Changbin and his pack did something different today. We all watched Changbin and the others in silence as we watched them eat. Felix didn't say anything but was clearly bugged, as if they were invading his territory. Finally, I broke the silence.

"What are you doing here?"

"What, we can't enjoy our lunch?" Minho threw back trying to hide is annoyance towards me.

I knew I had to be careful with them, after what Felix said about them being werewolves and this week being moon week, I would probably get my head bitten off if I say anything they wouldn't like.

"Not here you fucking can't." I obviously don't care about those possibilities, especially towards the most fucking-annoying-cocky bitch that goes by the name Lee Minho.

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