c h a p t e r 1

374 12 1

The door to Felix's room was abruptly opened when his mother came in to wake him up for school.

"Come on Felix, it's time to wake up." Felix's mother spoke in the usual Aussie accent.

She was standing by her son's door. The moment she figured that he was still going to try to ignore her and sleep for a bit more she decided to take it a step forward. She walked over to the window and harshly pull the blinds all the way up, for maximum light.

"Ahhhhhhh! Mom!" Felix groaned.

He covered his eyes with his arms trying to block the unforgivable rays of sun coming from the window while his mother was in a fit of laughter. He decided to give up on trying to go back to sleep and start the day.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm up" he responded lazily while raising his hands up in defeat.

Felix sat up on his bed and looked out the window. The sky was a bright blue color, the sun was already high in the sky lighting the day with its rays, and clouds scattered the sky.

"Why did we move," he asked while remembering the time when he was back home.

Felix's mother stayed silent.

"Get ready for school dear." It was the only thing she said.

She went back to the door, looked back at her son, and left to make breakfast.

Felix decided to take his mother's words and headed to the shower.


Felix sighs as the bell rings, signifying that the first period is about to start. Everyone scatters to their classes, leaving the poor Aussie lost and alone in the halls of an unknown location.

"Great. Just the way I wanted to start my first day of school." Felix sighed, he brushed his fingers through his hair. Completely ready to give up on everything and anything.

All of a sudden, he felt a tap on his shoulder. Startled, he quickly jumped, he turned to find a blonde haired boy with a black cap on.

"Woah, sorry for the spook. I just wanted to ask if you were lost" The blonde-black-cap dude asked.

"Oh, yeah, can you help me?" Felix asked while checking his pulse, a habit he has formed ever since he was young.

"Yeah, nope. You see...I'm lost too...but hey, let's go to the office." The blonde kid replied taking Felix's hand and dragging him through the halls in search for the office.

"Wait, where are my manners! The name's Jisung, Han Jisung to be exact." Jisung stopped and extended his hand with a beaming smile that showed his white teeth.

Felix smiled as well, a smile so big that it brightened the room.

"Well, Han Jisung. My name is Felix, Lee Felix."

Felix extended his hand. However, Jisung engulfed in a hug.

"Ha! I like you." Jisung commented.

"From now on we're best friends."

With Jisung's final statement, they both headed hand in hand, both happy to have found a friend.


Both Jisung and Felix became friends, and both of their mothers were just happy their sons weren't going to be loners for the rest of their lives.

They both found out that they both had to move from their homes. Jisung was born in Korea but he lived a majority of his life in Malaysia and Felix was born and raised in Australia.

They both hung out with one another all the time,  they only had each other so they had no other friends so, what other options did they have but to annoy each other.

Most importantly, the duo found a liking for mythology and hanging out in the woods. They were told not to go out on a full moon on multiple occasions but never listened. They were attracted to the possible danger, but come back frowning and tired when they found no such thing.

On one full moon though, Jisung had a good feeling.

"Psst, Felix." Jisung bent over to whisper in Felix's left ear. Felix turns his head, glad he had a distraction from the boring class that didn't seem to end anytime soon.

"Yeet?" Felix whispers back, trying to make sure the teacher doesn't notice their conversation.

"One of the boys here is holding a party, wanna go?" Jisung whispered while pointing to the boy in front of the classroom, whispering to his friends.

"It's a full moon, though," Felix responded, hoping to make it a good enough excuse to miss out on another party.

Last time they both went to a party, the two of them were completely wasted. He physically cringed at the stupid actions they could have possibly done intoxicated. He had no intention of recreating those memories, who knows  Jisung could end up with a tattoo that says "Karen" and then will start crying over how she took the kids. Felix would show him his tattoo of the name Susan and rant about how she took the kids and the dog.

"I know." He smiles that darn smile, the smile that Felix could never say no to.

"Fine, I'll go. But you owe me one."  Felix sighed already planning the ways he can end his suffering.

"Yes! Don't worry Lix, you name it!" Jisung yelled while jumping out of his chair.

"HAN!" The teacher turned to him and yelled. He quickly sat back, maybe a bit too quickly, and fell to the floor. The whole class was laughing including Felix.

"Want to join him too, Lee?" With that, Felix quickly shut up and continued to pay attention to class while regretting all his life choices.

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