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I took Jisung's hand in mine, like usual.

My relationship with Ji is absolutely platonic, we're just close. Now don't get me wrong, the dude's totally boyfriend material, dumb, sure, but still charming nonetheless. It's just how our relationship is, we're just comfortable around each other, we love each other, platonically.  Which is why I wonder why Hyunjin is so annoyed and disturbed, like bitch, your eyes are gonna get stuck if you keep rolling them. I swear I've never wanted to tape someone's mouth so badly before.

Anyways, Hyunjin's moodiness is not new nor is it of any value. My focus should be on Felix, not on some child who can't handle two people being cute besties. He can go eat a toe for all I care.


We've reached an opening in the forest. The trees leave a slight clearing where we can see the dark blue sky, scattered with twinkling stars that fill up the night sky, and the moon, so full and bright. The whole scene was so beautiful, yet mysterious. The trees around us were tall and thick, making me feel small.

I was taken away from my trance when I felt a small hand tighten its grip around mine.

"You good Ji, you've been in a daze for a bit. Once we find Felix, you can stare at the sky all you want, how about that." Violeta whispered to me giving me her sweet smile.

"Yooo, that would be super cool. The four of us, plus my brother, we can go to the Han river and stargaze with a little picnic." Adonai joined in her voice sparkling with excitement.

"Ooof, yes. I've always wanted to go stargazing, and even more with y'all!" Violeta squealed with happiness.

"Yeah that would be soo cool, we have to add that to the list," I stated, mentally marking that in my head to write down on our list. The list we have to put all our ideas or things to do together, like a friendship bucket list, but we like calling it "The List" it just adds that exciting and official touch.

"Ok so, we have the groups all settled. If you don't like the groups, be my guest, go on your own." Ray announces clearly trying his best to bring his mate back to safety. "Any objections," no one said anything, "ok then. So group one will be me and Changbin, group two will be Minho and Adonai, and lastly, group three will be Hyunjin, Jisung, and Violeta. Understood?" Once again no one said anything, simply nodding their heads.

"For how much you all bicker, you guys are very good listeners, impressive. Ok so group 1 will go to the right of the forest, group 2 will go straight ahead, and group 3 will go left. Make sure to answer your phones immediately when any of us call. Make sure not to go too far, this place can get a bit scary especially on days like today, so take extra precaution ok."

We all said an assortment of yes's and yeah's.

"Ok split up now, and in about," he checks his watch very quickly, "3 hours, we meet up here, if you come early, don't worry just stay safe."

Adonai, Ray, Violet, and I all came together and gave a group hug.

"Once this is over, Ray, you will officially be part of the group, you'll get your very own necklace." I gave him a light pat sending him a grin. His face brightened up and returned a smile.

"Sleepover, tomorrow?" Violeta and Adonia smirked at each other with a wishful tone.

"Sleepover tomorrow," I assured them, their faces were filled with so much joy it melted my heart.

"Ahem, not to ruin this soft and heart-melting moment. But we have to get this done quickly. We don't have time for this sappy fest." Miho growled clearly annoyed, that asshole.

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