c h a p t e r 1 5

110 6 0

3rd person

Like always the car ride to Changbin's mansion would be awkward. The air would thicken with tension as the minutes dragged on, glares being exchanged between the wolves. And Felix was beyond upset with the entire situation.

The conversation at lunch kept replaying in his head as if it was on a constant loop. He's made the connection about being called a bitch and him being an omega. The feeling of noticing how different he was being treated differently than the others in his so-called pack, stung, and it stung a lot. Felix wanted to be equal to his peers, for his pack to be a second family him. But he knew it would have to wait, that'd it take time to even start to feel like friends, and that angered him and was trying his best to not explode at that very moment. Needless to say, he kept his mouth shut to avoid saying anything he would regret in the future.

Once Changbin parked the car in the huge garage, they made their way into the house and into Changbin's room. Minho and Hyunjin were downstairs at the moment, not really wanting to get involved. So the two waited patiently until they were called.

The door closed and the window looking unscathed as if that night never occurred. None of them have spoken a word for the past hour, that was until the older spoke up.

"Ok. Tell me exactly what that, vamp, was telling you earlier?" Changbin chose his words carefully, trying not to indirectly insult Felix. However, his stare and voice were still as stern and icy cold, it was obvious he was agitated.

"Just the truth," Felix replied, already getting a headache from this whole ordeal. His arms were crossed and leaned himself against the wall, keeping his gaze on the Alpha.

"I need you to be specific," Changbin groaned to Felix, trying his best not to lose his cool.

Felix sighed. "He said his family travels to cold place often. The family includes Jeongin, Seungmin, Mr. Bang, and Mr. Kim. That's all I know. Are we done here?"

Changbin ran his hands through his hair, an annoyed exhale leaving his lips. There was a long pause between the wolves building tension. Each of them holding their tongues and thoughts to themselves.

"I have a question for you since we're doing the whole interrogation thing. Why are you so hostile towards Seungmin, can't we just, oh I don't know, be friends!" Felix tried to reason with his Alpha, not being able to contain himself any further.

"No, we can't just be friends." Changbin retorted with a displeased expression.

"Why not!" Felix exclaimed.


The Earth is controlled by two beings. The Sun and the Moon. The Sun, he created the life that would roam during the day. The Moon, she created the life that roamed the night.

One night, a lovely maiden walked through the forest. A wolf laid his eyes on her and instantly fell in love. The maiden screamed at the presence of the beast and ran. The wolf howled a prayer to the Moon, praying that the maiden can return the feelings.

The Moon noted his grief and granted his wish. He was given the body of a man, but only during the day.

'You are given three nights, to make the maiden fall in love with you and to kiss her on the final day. If you do not fulfill this promise, you will forever be a beast.' The Moon spoke, his light beaming onto the wolf's face.

The promise was fulfilled and the wolf was succeded in having the maiden fall in love with him. Only during a full moon, would he change to his original state.

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