c h a p t e r 4

224 8 5


Jisung and I were currently making our way to the art classroom. We were trying our best to move on from the whole biting-wolf-and-meeting-Changbin fiasco.

We sat down in our usual seats in the middle. You see, the back you can barely hear anything and the cool kids sit there so, there are no problems. The front you usually get picked on and you usually do errands. The middle is perfect, and we have a good view of the window too, so it allows us to get inspiration for our portfolio.

"I hope we get to have free time to sketch." Jisung has been fairly jumpy this morning, probably drank more coffee than he needed.

"I hope so too. We haven't had time to do our own thing. But I doubt it."

Our teacher, Ms. Park, entered the room and set her stuff on her desk. She was the youngest teacher and nicest.

"Shut up, you guys are getting annoying and class hasn't even started." She ordered, causing everyone to sit in their seats in seconds.

You see when I meant nicest, I didn't mean she wasn't sarcastic and what not. She's the nicest because she will lend you a shoulder or an ear. She cares about us and wants us to become the best version of ourselves.

"Ok, now that you've settled down. Good news, we have new students. I swear if I see or hear any of you being a-holes to them, you won't sleep well. Anyway, please come in girls." Ms. Park warned with a glare, just then the door revealed two girls.

One of the girls had an ombré of black and silver hair and beautiful chocolate skin that didn't have a mark. She smiled sweetly and had a homey aura.

The other girl had a light tan skin tone. Her hair is wavy, mocha brown and cascaded down to her waist with bangs covering her forehead. She was quite small compared to the other.

"Listen up class, please introduce yourselves, girls." Ms. Park smiled sweetly at them

"What's up, I'm Adonai, you can call me Diana, or Nai Nai." She bowed.

"Well, hi! My name is Violeta Alana Herrera. You can call me Violet if it's easier for you. I recently moved here, so I hope I can make some friends. Ummm...please, take care of me." After Violeta introduced herself she bowed.

"Okay girls, so you tow will be sitting next to those boys. Jisung and Felix can you show Adonai and Violeta around the school."

Jisung and I responded, "Sure thing, Ms. Park!"

We then raised our hands to help the two of them get to their seats. Violeta sat next to Jisung and Adonai sat next to me.

"G'day, my name is Lee Felix." I handed my hand for her to shake

Adonai got confused about which hand to use but settled with finger guns.

I felt daggers in my back, hmmm, I'm just still a bit shook from what happened.



"Hi, the name's Jisung, Han Jisung." I introduced myself.

I still remember the day I met Felix, the best decision of my life.

"Well, hello Han Jisung, my name is Violeta, Violeta Herrera." she laughed.

"You sound foreign, where are you from."

"I'm from California, my mom and dad got a permanent job here. I'm actually not Korean, shocking I know, but I am Latina."

"Oh, that's cool. I'm from Malaysia."

"That's amazing-" she was cut off by Ms. Park

"Listen up kids, you will be doing a project. It has to be on a huge canvas. You can form a group with whoever you'll like and I'll pass out the directions for the project. I advise you to not half-ass this because some of you are already failing. So try your best or else. Understood?"

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