A password prompt appeared on the screen, leaving her to ponder what it could be. She considered that it might be related to the family and decided to enter the name of his wife, which she had discovered on his desk in his Rolex index. To her surprise, it worked.

She continued scrolling through the files until she found one named Tornado. With a click of the mouse, Summer selected it and proceeded to download it onto the memory stick. Once the download was complete, she closed the file and logged out of the computer. Swiftly, she pocketed the memory stick and got up from her seat, leaving the Section office immediately.

As she heard footsteps approaching, she calmly made her way towards the elevator. The doors opened just in time for her to step inside, and they closed behind her. Three minutes later, Summer exited through the main entrance of the embassy, her departure coordinated with the unlocking of the gate by the security officers.

She spotted a dark car approaching her and, feeling a surge of fear, she began sprinting down the sidewalk. Dimitri, who had leaped out of the car's rear door, followed closely behind her. The look of terror in her eyes was evident to him as they hurriedly made their escape.

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The computer screen flashed on, and she then tapped the keyboard. As Summer slipped the memory stick into the computer's port, she questioned how she could access this top-secret file.

A password request appeared on the screen.

She pondered what it might be and thought perhaps it was related to the family. She entered the name of his wife that she discovered in his Rolex index on his desk after assuming it was likely. It succeeded. She continued scrolling until she reached a file with the name Tornado. Summer selected it by clicking it before pressing the download symbol on the screen. She observed the memory stick as the file was downloaded. She then closed the file and signed out of the computer. The memory stick was swiftly placed in her pocket. sat up and left the Section office immediately. As soon as she heard someone approaching, she sauntered over to the elevator.

As soon as the doors of the embassy swung open, Summer swiftly exited the building. The heavy doors closed behind her, effectively sealing her outside. There was a sense of urgency in her movements, as if she was in a hurry to be away from that place.

After approximately three minutes, Summer reached the embassy's main entrance. It seemed that she had concluded her business inside and was ready to leave. Just as she approached the exit, the security officers promptly unlocked the gate, granting her permission to go.

However, as Summer stepped onto the sidewalk, a dark car approached her. Its sleek windows made it difficult to discern what or who was inside. A sudden wave of panic washed over her, prompting her to react instinctively. Without hesitation, she broke into a sprint, desperately trying to put distance between herself and the approaching vehicle.

Within moments, the rear door of the dark car swung open, and a man named Dimitri leaped out. His unexpected emergence confirmed Summer's fears, and it was clear that she was trying to evade him. Dimitri, determined and possibly a source of danger, chased after her in hot pursuit.

The look of sheer terror in Summer's eyes was unmistakable. It was evident to anyone observing that she was genuinely frightened, and her actions reflected the urgency to escape from Dimitri's reach.

Summer asked, "Where's my money?"

"I promise you'll get your money once we confirm the file is on the memory stick," Dimitri assured Summer.

As Dimitri leveled his 9mm pistol at him, the tension in the air thickened. Before he could pull the trigger, she swiftly threw a punch, catching him off guard and knocking him back. Meanwhile, the driver of the vehicle turned around, brandishing a suppressed pistol. The situation was becoming increasingly dangerous.

The Merchant of the Black Market, A Lex Jackson thriller: Book twoWhere stories live. Discover now