"All you need to do is enter the Saudi Royal Embassy, ride the private elevator to the fifth floor, where the CIA division is located, and download the file onto the memory stick I provide you with," the Russian said

Summer said, "Never is that easy." You know there are cameras and metal detectors. I know I've done some reconnaissance on these before." Also, how am I going to get to the elevator? Did you think of that, Mr. Romanov?"

Dimitri retrieved a CIA ID badge for an analyst from his pocket and laid it on the table in front of him. He asked, "Are you interested in this job? Just imagine what you could accomplish with that kind of income."

Russian said all you need to do is walk into the Royal Embassy in Saudi Arabia, take the private elevator up to the fifth floor, where is the CIA office is located, and then download the file onto the memory stick I give you"

Summer nodded while once again considering her alternatives.

"Sure," said‌ the orphan

Summer received the memory stick from Dmitri when he reached into his pocket and took it out. She rose from the chair at the table, taking the memory stick and the CIA ID badge with her. Slowly turning her head, she noticed Dmitri sitting there and wondered who the heck he was. She made her way into the rest of the city and wandered across the bridge, leaving Gamla Stan. She strolled down the cobblestone walkway, navigating many streets, until arriving at the Saudi Arabian Royal Embassy.

A five-story structure named Royal Saudi Arabia stood imposingly, guarded by two intimidating individuals stationed outside the gate. Summer, an orphan who had managed to survive against all odds, regarded it as a mere walk in the park. However, as fate would have it, something seemed amiss. Undeterred, she approached the security officers stationed outside and confidently presented her ID badge. With a nod of approval, they opened the gate, allowing her to proceed. "So far, so good," she thought, hastening her steps towards the embassy's main entrance.

Summer approached the metal detector with confidence, smoothly passing through without setting it off. As she entered the lobby, she quickly made her way towards the private elevator and discreetly placed her ID badge next to the scanner. The elevator doors closed, and she took a deep breath, mentally preparing herself for the task ahead.

Arriving on the fifth floor, Summer noticed that the section office was currently empty. This was her chance to gather the information she needed without being detected. She swiftly moved towards the office, ensuring to remain unnoticed by any potential security cameras or personnel.

Once inside, Summer carefully closed the door behind her and surveyed the room. She quickly located the file cabinet and began searching for the specific documents she was after. With expert precision, she pulled out the necessary files and began photographing them with her discreetly hidden camera.

As she snapped the last picture, Summer heard footsteps approaching the office. Time was running out. She quickly returned the files to their original positions, leaving no trace of her presence. With a calm demeanor, she exited the office just as the door opened, blending seamlessly with the passing employees.

With the mission accomplished, Summer made her way back to the private elevator, ensuring to return her ID badge to its proper place. As the elevator descended, she couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. She had successfully obtained the information she needed, all without raising any suspicion.

As the elevator doors opened on the ground floor, Summer walked out confidently, ready to fulfill her next objective. With her skills and resourcefulness, she knew she could tackle any challenge that came her way.

The computer screen flickered to life as she tapped the keyboard. Summer inserted the memory stick into the computer's port, her mind racing with thoughts on how to access the top-secret file.

The Merchant of the Black Market, A Lex Jackson thriller: Book twoWhere stories live. Discover now