Chapter 2- 'Be careful from the bone crushing high heels'

Start from the beginning

“I’ve been here for 4 semesters and I never had a problem with a professor until you came along” she said with fires burning in her eyes, “Sick!! You’ve been here for 4 semesters?! I just noticed you yesterday!!” I say in shock and sarcasm.

“You’re so self-centered; I bet you believe everything exists for your amusement”

“Damn straight, thank you for understanding” I say with a smirk killing her hopes to ever believe there is a decent part of me buried deep down inside my dark soul. She gave out a sigh of frustration and knocked on the door of the professor’s office, “You don’t need to knock, I already know it’s you Amira” professor says while Amira entered and sat bowing her head down in shame, “Daniel, I know you’re there too”, I walked in winking to Amira and said “see!!” proving the point of everything is here to amuse me as Amira rolled her eyes and ignored me.

“I noticed something between you, even though you turned a civilized debate into a bar fight, but you both made sense” professor said complementing us.

“Thank you” Amira said still bowing her head in shame.

“I want you two to work as a team for the final project” she said waiting for Amira to burst. I think she fainted for a second as the professor asked her to team up with most probably the only creature she actually hated.

We both left the office without a word, both deep in our thoughts about how the fuck are we going to pull this out. Suddenly she pointed her pen to my eye and said threateningly “I’ll literarily cut your balls off and feed them to your pet if you don’t take this seriously”.

“That will require you to touch them sweetie...”I say innocently “..and also for me to have a pet” I continued. I watched the demons come out of her when she said “I’ll crush you”.

“Is that why you don’t have a Boyfriend?!!” I say making her madder than a Chinese father yelling at his kid for get a B+, which I believe this is how she will be if she got a B+

I’m guessing this girl’s GPA is 4.1.

She took her pen away from my face and just walked away without saying bye or anything polite, I guess I broke her because she is a nice person at least used to be, or maybe I just have a fucked up effect on people with respect to the world.


Amira POV

Why? Oh god why?? Why me? Why every day? Mornings are like god’s way of punishing me for the sins I committed through the previous day. Where is my damn phone?! I am living in the hall of shame right now, so shut up (not so hot) The Script guy!!

Fucking professor, I hate her guts right now!! I know I seem like I am full of hate, well, I am, in the mornings mostly, and when I see that Danny kid. Other than that I am pretty peaceful. I have a sign that says (Live Laugh Love) on my wall to prove that. Soooo, point proven.

I grab my phone and I see I have a text from Sam, yay he has a date. What?!! No !!! Whyyy nooow???!! I can’t complain to a person who is going on a fucking first date tonight. I don’t wanna ruin his mood, but due to the fact that I am a horrible person, I will pour my heart out whether he likes it or not. Coz he is an official best friend after all, that’s his duty, that’s why he gets paid. Sometimes... With food.

I smile to myself as I realize this is his first date since like a year or so. He is a good guy, he deserves it. I Hope she is good, or I will poke her eyes out with eyeliner. 

A: so hobo, whatcha doing?!

S: chilling

A: oh, come on!! Admit it, you are in front of the mirror, trying out your 18th outfit right now!!

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