Chapter 6 ---- Love Birds

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Let me take a minute to appreciate you all. Thank you for reading my book. Thank you for your audience. Thank you for supporting. Thank you for accepting. Thank you for coming along. Thank you for voting. Thank you for always looking for to the next chapter. I'm grateful. Thank you.



"Ok, just to reiterate. You want a minimalist living room nature inspired art. What frame size this time?" I asked.

"I was looking at a three feet by three point five feet."  The client responded from the other end of the phone.

"Ok understood. So now lets talk payment, Mr Crawford."

"You know our normal arrangements." He prompted. "And please just call me Kiitan, and stop being a Stanger."

I smiled. "I apologize. I was just keeping it formal."

"It's Fine. It will be delivered as usual?"

"Of course. As soon as I'm done." I said.

" Fantastic. OK bye now."

"Yes, bye."

I withdrew my phone from my ear and dropped it on the desk in front of me. I looked at the digital clock that appeared on it, fourteen twenty-one. Wow, it's getting late already. I'd been on the phone for almost thirty minutes. I'm glad the deal's sealed.

I enjoy freelancing a lot, I don't have a business with revenue, sales number, expenses, printing, production, and the likes. My intangible costs are; time spent creating, time spent planning to mention but few.

In other news, "Money!!" I yelped.

It struck me that I need to visit Lade as promised. I opened the driver app on my phone to book a ride. The pick up was in ten minutes. I rose from the bed to change into something nice, before the driver go to my location.

Wouldn't it have been nice if I had my personal car. Whatever happened to that dream. My phone buzzed to notify me of the driver's arrival. I picked up my things and left for the car.

I crossed checked the plate number of the Corolla parked in front of the house with the one on the application to see if it matched. I got into the car after having that confirmed.

Commuting in Lagos was always a hassle. From the traffic jam to all sort of environmental pollution. Days like this made me hate living in this city. A usual forty-five minutes drive had turned into a two hours drive.

The driver parked the car at the destination and ended the ride. I settled the payment and got out of the car.

I strutted towards Tiwalade's apartment. I knocked on the door and few seconds later the door opened. I plastered a huge grin on my face instinctively as Lade appeared in front of me. He smiled back at me.

"At last." He said, then asked me to come in. "Do come in stranger."

I just kept smiling as I walked past him. "Well thank you."

Once we were inside and he closed the door behind us, I walked towards the couch to settle in. It wasn't my first time here, but it's been a long time since I last came to visit. Temilade kept smiling and grinning so wide.

He had his glasses on, the one that showcased his nerdy side, he's always had issues with his sight. Our parents would take him to different Opticians, they helped him choose the right glasses and sometimes recommended contact lenses, He would also be taking to Optometrists and they'd prescribe various eye drugs and drips. They spent quite a lot on those eyes yet had to settle for glasses.

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