Chapter 32- --Two Birds, One Stone

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My Gold: Tejumade Macaulay are you fine? Please my dear call me as soon as you see this. I'm getting so worried. No one knows your whereabouts.

My phone buzzed. I picked my phone and it was yet another from my mother. I really should let her know I was fine.

But if I responded now she would only bombard me with more messages. Worst case, calls. I wasn't ready for that.

Besides, Kiitan was already driving me home. I would face the music then.

Although it was quite annoying that even now I can't do anything without everybody getting worked up over my alleged kidnap. It felt a good to know that there are people who actually cared for me a great deal.

I locked my phone and dropped it on my lap. My eyes were suddenly heavy and I felt so tired. I moved the seat to a low level so I could lay down on it comfortably. The seat was so comfortable. The minute I closed my eyes sleep engulfed me.

Minutes later, I felt a pat on my arm. I opened my eyes slowly to only silhouette of a man. Then I gradually became conscious of everything around me.

The car had stopped moving. I sat up straight and realized we were in front of my house.

I yarned. "How long was I out?" I asked. My head lashed in his direction.

He moved his eyes towards the watch on his dashboard. "You've been sleeping for about thirty minutes." He looked back at me.

"Wow. Well thank you for bringing me home." I said as I unbuckled my seatbelt, pulled open my door and slid out of the car.

He got out of the car, strode to my side. "I wouldn't  let my girlfriend take a cab home when I could." He held my hand as he walked me to my apartment.

I had a huge grin plastered on my face.

As we turned to enter into the yard, I spotted a Kia sedan parked in front of the house.

I haven't seen it before. And it looked new. I wondered if Bethel had gotten a car from her company.

She has lately been getting the recognition she deserved from the management.

Just then Beth stormed out of the apartment.

"Oh! Hi Beth" I greet casually. "I see you got a company car."

"Oh please, forget the car. Why wouldn't you tell me you were going to him." She said exasperatedly. She looked up at Kiitan with disappointment."You could have call me at least."

"You didn't tell her about your whereabouts?" He asked, glaring at me in disbelief. He looked back at Beth. "I'm super sorry, I had no idea."

"What's the fuss. I'm alive and back now anyways." I said nonchalantly.

"Well you can ask your parents what the fuss is, they are inside waiting." Beth informed.

"Oh shit! Both of them?" I scurried past Kiitan and Beth into the house.

I found my mother pacing back and forth in our living room. My father was rather calmly seated with his legs crossed and his back rested on the couch.

As soon as they were aware of my presence, my mother hurried towards me, cupping my cheeks in my her palms like she had just found her lost child.

"My darling! Are you okay?" She asked worriedly as she inspected my body for any sign of injuries. "What happened? Where did you go? I called and texted, no response. It was typical of you to ignore calls but you dad's? I need something had to be wrong. Are you okay my love?"

My father huffed at my mother's dramatic behavior.

"I'm okay mummy. I was at my friend's." I informed.

"A friend? Different from Bethel?" She interrogated.

Just then Bethel and Kiitan graced us with their presence.

"Good day ma, sir." Kiitan greeted my parents politely.

"You must be the friend. How are you?" My mother asked as she suddenly abandoned me to meet Kiitan.

So much for worrying about me.

"Fine thank you ma. How are you ma?" Kiitan reciprocated.

"I'm very well, my dear." My mother gushed.

"Mummy, daddy, this is Kiitan, my boyfriend." I blurted out all at once. "Kiitan, these are my parents. Mr and Mrs Macaulay."

Bethel glared in awe in the background.

"Did you say boyfriend? Really? This is great." My mother gushed. She couldn't hid her delight. She held Kiitan tightly. "I knew I was drawn to you for some reason."

"You were at the exhibit. You were the young man who erupted such emotions from my daughter." My Dad said as he rose to his feet. Putting a had out to formally shake Kiitan's. "I raised her, and I can say I've never seen her get physical with anyone."

Kiitan seem rather confused.

"Daddy! You saw all of that?" I mumbled.

"Of course. I saw the whole thing. The other young man came him and he left." He said.

"But he doesn't know about anything of what happened after." I informed my dad. "And I'm sorry you had to see that."

"Oh I see. It's alright baby." My dad assured

"Now you would not have to call her baby anymore. The true own of the baby has finally come." My mother imputed rather jealously.

We all laughed at the statement.

"But you guys didn't have to come all the way just because you couldn't reach me." I said.

"We didn't come solely because of that." My mother stated.


My dad dug into his pocket and he brought out a Key. I may be specific, a car key.

Bethel and my mother were both smiling profusely.

"I planned to give this to you at your exhibition, but the turn of event didn't allow it."  My dad pitched.

"What's this daddy?" I asked amidst teary eyes and shaky voice.

"It a token, to show how proud I am of you." He said proudly. "It's not a lot , but it came from a place of love."

"Daddy!" Tears rolled down my cheeks on their own accord. "You didn't have to."

"You deserve even more my darling." My mother said as she walked towards me putting me in her embrace.

"So that means the car parked outside isn't from Beth's company?" I asked just to be sure.

"No it's not." Beth answered as she walked to me smiling.

"I have a car!" I stated like it just dawned on me.

"You have a car!" She reiterated.

We both made a low girly scream, before running out to check out the car and take it for a spin.

Leaving Kiitan with my mother was a bad idea. My I was too excited to be worried for him.

The was that could possibly happen was my mother not giving him a breathing space, thanksgiving my day was there. He would rescue him if need me.

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