Chapter 20- --- Dilemma

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A grey 2018 Grand Cherokee Jeep was parked in from of our apartment as I got back from my quick errand run. It has a stylish curve that gave it the appearance of a soft-roading crossover, but under the skin one would know it's a beast.

I peeped through the tinted glass window, the inside of the car has a contoured dashboard housed a infotainment touchscreen atop chunky, redundant buttons and controls, and a 7.0-inch driver-facing LCD display flanked by analog gauges, and a host of active safety technologies. The seats, armrest, upper door panels and dashboard were leather.

"Who could it be" I wondered as I walked past it entering my place.

Shortly my phone chimed and I checked it.

Are you in?

Why would he be asking that? That could only mean one thing. I was almost at my flat, when I looked up towards my door, and he was standing right there.

A scornful expression flirted on my face. His back was to me, he has not noticed my presence. He attempted to knock on the door again.

"A smart person like you would have already figured no one was in by now." I saw his shoulders shake as he bowed his head. He was laughed, having recognized my voice.

He turned smoothly to me, smirking. "I texted you."

"I got it." I raised my phone, showing him his message.

"So why didn't you reply?" He shrugged.

"I was already here."

He was wearing a white tee shirt, a khaki pants, a jacket, wristwatch, sunglasses and a white sneaks. Who knew that a white tee shirt could give you such a classy look? Apparently Jasper Holland. The pants are All-American khaki updated with a tapered skinny silhouette.

"So that's yours parked out front?" I asked narrowing my eyes in suspicion. "Can every cinematographer afford this? Cause that's what you said you did. And that would still be true, right?"  I continued with my interrogations.

"Tejumade  Macaulay, I'm not doing anything illegal if that's what you're implying." He looked at me briefly making sure I understood.

"Uhn!" I averted my gaze from him. "What are you doing here?"

"I was in the neighborhood, so I thought I'd say hello." He averted his eyes like I could see right through them that he was lying.

"Oh really?" I asked sarcastically.

"Yeah, you think I'm lying?" He asked accusatively.

I know you're lying.

"You said it yourself." I shrugged.

"Alright fine. I lied. I came because I missed you and wanted to see you." He admitted.

I furrowed my brows. "What is all this? You do this thing all the time. You just desappear and the you show up with the 'I miss you" story, just cut the bullshit already Folu, it's getting old."

"Ok, can we go some place to talk?" He asked. He tucked his one hand into his pocket, the other held his phone and car keys.

"I am not really in the mood... So you can just say what you have to here." I said exasperatedly. "I must say, I am shock to see you at my place."

"You say it as if I wouldn't just come on my own if I had the time."

"Oh really? The way you would have just called or texted me if you had my number? Oh yeah, you do have my number." I said sarcastically.

"About that! I'm so sorry I hadn't contact you all these while, I'd really been busy with work." He grabbed my hand. "I wanted to see you Kiki, see how you are doing."

I yanked my hand from him. "As you can see I'm fine."

"Will you talk to me Teju?"

"Well I tried to. I texted you, a lot of them. You could have called, or reply my messages. Tell me, didn't you get them?" I inquired.

"I did." He answered through whispers.

"Then why? Why couldn't you have just replied?" I asked. "So much for wanting to do better."

"I thought ..."

"Oh yeah, you thought." I interrupting him. He thinks now?

He continued. "...I thought it'd be better to come in person. I wanted to see you. To surprise you. I missed you." He confessed.

"Look I'm not buying it. I'm really done with all your charade. Please leave." I told turning to go into my flat.

Before I knew it, Folu grabbed my hand and pulled me flushed against his body and enclosed me in his arms.

He tilted his head and sloped forward, smashing his mouth against mine. Gently pushing me backward until my back hit the door. And his palm reached to cup my chin possessively

He growled against my mouth, nipping on my lower lip. It was like my soul has been consumed because I have forgotten myself in that moment.

I kissed him back with all the pent up emotions inside of me. My hands moved from my side to his neck instinctively. And my fingers behind his head.

Suddenly my brain jotted back to reality and I place a light hand on Folu's chest, pushing him away.

"No! We can't." I whispered, piqued at what I'd just done.

"Why?" He asked drawing back slowly.

"We just can't, okay?" I stated furiously.

Just then did I notice a figure standing few feet away from us. It was that of a man. And he had a myriad of expression flitted on his face. It was a mixture of shock, hurt and disappointment.

"Oh No! Kiitan!" The words slipped out my mouth. I started towards him. "This is not what it looks like."

He instantly turned and was leaving. I ran after him, calling out to him but he did not turn around once.

"Kiitan!" I cried out, as I stood there hopelessly.

Fopefolu approached me and was now standing behind me. "Teju."

I shook my head and ran my fingers up and down my face."No! What have I do!"

He placed a made on my shoulder and I jerked it off forcefully.

"Don't touch me." I gritted. "I told you to leave. Now see the mess I'm in."

"I'm sorry Teju, but I don't understand what's going on. Who was that guy?" He said almost inaudible.

I turned to him infuriating. "None of your business!" I said my nose flaring. "What are we doing Folu?"

"Are you seeing him?" He asked, his resolve cracked into smithereens.

"You don't get to ask me such questions."I furrowed my brow irritably. "I do not ask you about your private affairs."

"So you are seeing him then"

"Why the he'll do you care?" I stated aggressively loud. "I'm not going out with you now, am I? So I don't see anything thing stopping me."

"I'm trying to make us work Teju." He said, his eyes failing miserably to hide the vulnerability they held.

"Why try make use work? You have a girlfriend!" I yelped.

"I don't want her Teju. I want you." He blurted out mindlessly. "Just say the word and I'll break up with her."

I flinched at his ridiculousness. What in the world was he Spewing right now?

"Just go Folu, leave!" I said as I walked past him heading for my door before turning around momentarily "And no you don't get to say you want me now. It took you, finding out that I have someone else to realize it's me you want?" I stated with so much disdain.

He opened his mouth about to utter something but I raised my finger to stop me.

"Just go. I'm done having this conversation." I said turning on my heels into my flat and slammed the door behind me.

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