Chapter 15 --- Not Not a Date

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Just as we got into the fancy restaurant and confirmed our reservation, a waiter usher led us to our table.

"I've been here a couple times. The Chicken Tikka Croquette here is to kill for." Kiitan gushed as we too our seats at the table.

"So you've been here, with women?"I inquired suspiciously.

"Oh! No no. It was for business meetings. You know I work in Interiors. I meet my  clients at fancy places like this one." He clarified.

"Are you ready to order?" The waiter asked politely, pulling out a small notepad from his apron pocket.

"Yes! What's the special tonight?" Kiitan asked, looking up at the waiter from the Menu.

I instinctively stated at the waiter, flipping through the Menu mindlessly.

"The chef is serving a Pan Seared Salmon with Tomato Pesto." The waiter said.

"Hmmm... Sound delicioso." Kiitan gushed. "We'll have that and..." He looked into the Menu, searching. "...Yes! And Antipasto Grill. Teju, what catches your interest?"

I searched in the Menu with me and finally found something."Yes! The Chicken and Roasted red pepper roll-ups, please."

The waiter nodded, scribbling in his note pad. "And drinks?"

We both dug our head into the Menu yet again. When Kiitan found what he wanted he told the waiter.

"I'll have a glass of Martinez, please." He said.

"And I'll have a glass of the Siesta cocktail." I said with a smile.

"And add a bottle of champagne." Kiitan added.

The waiter nodded as he wrote down our orders. He then wordlessly headed to the kitchen to place our order.

I tried to continue with the conversation as we waited for the waiter to return with our meals. "Tell me something I don't know about you."

"Errrm... Well... What don't you know?... I'm terribly scared of heights." He spewed in on breath.

"Really?" I asked giggling

"Yes!" He confirmed.

"That means you can't go on a roller coaster." It suddenly hits me. I gawked widely. "You've never been on a roller coaster?"

"Well technically, I discovered I was scared of heights when I got on a roller coaster." He elucidated.

"Wow! Just wow!" I said chuckling.

"What about you? What are you scared of?" He asked.

"Reptiles!" I exclaimed. "Especially lizards."

He threw his head back as he laughed. "You're scared of lizards? My goodness."

"What?!" I whined, " they're so ugly and disgusting. Those creeping things. I hate them." I said irritably.

He couldn't control his laughter anymore. "How can you be afraid of Lizards? I understand snake and all, but Lizard?"

"Well better than being afraid of heights." I whimpered.

"How? Heights are mostly dangerous, but Lizards are harmless." He teased.

"Well as a man you should not be afraid of danger." I said with a pout.

He laughed. "What to hear a good dad joke?" He asked.

"Sure, why not? Humor me."

"Singing in the shower is fun until you get soap in your mouth. Then it's a soap opera."

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