Evan Cooper
I'll be there for sure

Julian Ballou
I'm so pumped about this, I've never been to the UK properly before 🤵🏾🤯

Ajay Calasó
Dude you've been to UK

Julian Ballou
Not properly, London don't count as UK

Harper Daviesnok
Trust me it isn't that good here

Julian Ballou
I don't care, it's about the experience

Harrison Stiles
Nicely said Jules

Julian Ballou
Thanks dawg

Harrison Stiles
But Harper is correct

Charlie chuckled to himself as he pictured Harper's reaction to the fact Harrison wrote her name on text and Julian replied to her, she was a big fan of the show and was probably hyperventilating right about now but kept her cool via the texting.

Harper Daviesnok
I mean it's not TERRIBLE here but America is probably miles prettier

Julian Ballou
I heard the people are better in the UK

Harper Daviesnok
Hmm, I'm not so sure about that 😂

Julian Ballou
C'mon you must have something good to say

Harper Daviesnok
I guess some people are polite and we all have the similar banter

Julian Ballou

Harper Daviesnok
I don't know how to explain what banter is, someone help me lol

Alex Jeong
Basically the same sense of humour, I guess ???

Julian Ballou
Oh cool, that's dope

Charlie didn't bother joining the conversation again because it was mainly Julian and Harper going back and forth talking about random things, mainly comparing the US to the UK. He hoped that they had all got the gist of what was occurring in just over three months, he was excited to get the plan in action considering he wasn't a fan of planning things.

The tall Afro-haired man had just arrived at work to do his shift for the day. Today, he was on room service and bag chauffeur, he'd rather keep moving than be stuck behind a desk for the full shift.

Almost instantly he was ordered by his superior, Maisie, to take the bags left at the reception desk up to room one four three, apparently the couple were here because they were going to see a singer called Harriet Kingston live in the O2 Apollo this evening but they had brought bags big enough for a two week stay. Nevertheless, Charlie didn't mind and got straight to lifting the large blue and white suitcases to trial up to the room.

The reception was fairly large, larger than it needed to be, the desk was a sleek dark brown with silver metal writing on the face of it, indicating what it was. On the grey 'granite' floor was a dark blue rug that somehow managed to contrast well with the interior of the place; on the far left was a small dining area near the bar that hardly anyone ever went to, the only time someone would go would be if they were here on business, other than that the alcohol that was stocked was used for room service.

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