"Raya, what's the matter?" Luna asked.

Everyone turned around towards me and stared with confusion.

"Something's heading our way." I answered, glaring at the darkness in the distance.

"Intruder warning." Andromon said, "Interloper detected."

Suddenly, a horrible laugh echoed through the air. We turned towards the direction of the laugh and saw a black digimon fly up above us.

"You stupid pile of recycled scrap metal, you spoiled my entrance." The digimon woman said. She was covered in black tight leather and chains, her hair a pale platinum white and eyes glaring at us with a mischievous grin on her pale face.

"We should've known there would be a welcoming committee." Sora said as she, Kari and I glared at the digimon above.

"She looks like a witch." Kari said.

"Now that's rude Kari." I said, "You're giving her way too nice of a compliment."

"What Lady Raya says is true. She's much worse than that, she's one of Piedmon's nightmare soldiers." Andromon said.

The digimon above smiled even wider than before, "I'm sure you're all tired, you poor things need a rest. A nice long rest."

She charged at us, but Koromon jumped up to attack. A bright light shone over him as he digivolved to Agumon.

"Pepper Breath!" Agumon shouted, spitting out a ball of fire from his mouth. The ball of flames hit the enemy, but it had no effect. Not even a scorch mark.

She smirked, swinging her large clawed hand at Agumon and cutting out of the sky. He landed hard on the ground.

As Tai went to comfort his fallen partner, the rest of our digimon digivolved, and I changed to form copy Lekismon.

We all flew around the enemy, who smiled and chuckled.

"You just made my job a lot easier." She said, spinning around and lifting her arms up, sending a wave of bats to attack us.

"Darkness Wave!" She shouted as the bats came closer.

We all groaned in pain when the bats and a shroud of dark light hit us blowing us back.

"Lightning Blade!"

"Electro Shocker!"

"Meteor Wing!"

The two attacks flew towards the dark digimon, but she easily flicked them away with just the wave of her arm.

"I'm sorry, are we just playing?" She asked jokingly, "Let me know when you're ready."

"Hand of Fate!"

"Double Tear Arrow!"

Once again our attacks were dodged, just when Angewomon atracked with her Celestial Arrow, it hit and did the most damage.

An idea popped into my mind as I changed from Lekismon to Angewomon.

"Raya, what are you doing?" Lekismon asked me.

"Didn't you see how Angewomon did damage to her? Itll be better if I use her form to fight with." I explained.

I flew up towards the enemy who went after Angewomon and blocked her attack before she could hit my friend.

"Izzy!" I shouted, flying down towards the group, "Quickly, give us an update on this nightmare is."

"On it." He said, quickly pulling up the digimon's profile.

Digimon Adventure: A Yamato love storyWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu