Chapter 10: From Fire We Rise

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SURPRISE UPDATE!!! I surprised myself too. 😂

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(Leo's POV)

Light brutally pierced my eyes when I tried opening them due to the faint bickering that woke me. A nagging ache in my head restricted me from moving at all. I groaned and remained still for a few moments, taking deep breaths slowly before attempting to open my lids once again.

          A chandelier was hung from the ceiling right above me. I lifted my head, despite the pain, and looked down at the gauze that wrapped all around my left shoulder. Medium bandages covered other areas of my abdomen and arms. An IV line inserted in the back of my hand pushed fluids into me. I was hooked up to a monitor, but I certainly wasn't in a hospital.

With a wince, I raised my shoulders to decipher my surroundings. It was my room in the castle. I was in fucking Sicily. Suddenly, it all hit me at once.

"Motherfucker!" I snarled and ripped the IV from my hand along with the other wires that were attached to monitor my vitals.

          "Take it easy." Mike leaped over to my side and tried to keep me on the bed.

          Ray hurried over and tried to restrict me from moving as well. "You need to rest, Leo, or else you'll rip open your stitches."

          A fire blazed in my eyes as I looked between the two idiots. "Get your fucking hands off me." I lowered my voice into a dangerous warning. "Now."

          They both released their hold on me, taking a few steps back at once. "Calm down," Ray said warily. "Your body has been through too much. You had a broken rib, some internal bleeding, open wounds. You need to let yourself heal."

I ignored every word that came out of his mouth and felt my face. A small bandage under my right cheekbone covered up the area where I pulled the shard of glass out from.

"How long have I been out?" I asked, raking my tired eyes over my briefs and the white bandage that poked out from under it.

Ray followed my gaze and spoke, "Yeah, there was some bleeding from your stitches on your thighs so I patched them up."

I raised my head slowly, my eyes dawning on Mike, the fucker who drugged me. "How long?" I asked a bit more firmly this time, the anger in me slowly rising. If we were in Sicily, then it must have been hours since Lawrence-motherfucking-Kane took Arie in Istanbul. Hours wasted for nothing.

Mike swallowed hard. "Just a day."

"Just a day?" I rose from the bed and inched closer to Mike who took a step back. He opened his mouth to defend his action, but I immediately grabbed him by his throat and pinned him to the wall. "You know what can happen in just a fucking day?"

Ray came forth. "Leo, you need to fucking relax now. You're going to rip open your fucking wounds."

My other hand reached for Ray's throat and slammed him to the wall beside Mike. I couldn't give a fuck about the shooting pain radiating throughout my body. I had lost precious time; time I could've used getting Arie home and gutting the fuckers who laid a single finger on her. Neither of them fought me. The fear settled in them when they realized I was going to crush their necks when I squeezed my fingers down harder. I only saw blood before my vision, and I didn't give a fuck who was on the receiving end. They both gripped the areas of my arms that weren't bruised at once and tried to push me away.

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