Chapter 5: Truce

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The Dragos ⬇️

The Bonferronis ⬇️

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The Bonferronis ⬇️

So I wanna clear it up once and for all

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

So I wanna clear it up once and for all. Many thought Athena's baby didn't survive because she was stabbed. I thought I had made it clear in the previous book and this one, but Athena wasn't pregnant herself. She had a SURROGATE. If you've read EMB all the way to the end, you probably know why. Eros' sperm and Athena's eggs were put together and placed in another woman who carried the embryos and their child. The surrogate was in labor when Athena got the call that Arie had been taken, so she left to save Arie and got killed in the process. I hope I cleared it up for everyone now.

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          Thousands of people had shown up in the capital of Italy to pay their respects to the deceased president. World leaders, business tycoons, and many other well-known personalities attended the funeral of Marsilia Drago and the others who died in the plane crash. They all believed the lie as expected. Due to the constant cameras at the scene, no one with the Bonferroni name stepped outside in the light.

          Every casket was empty as the world already knew since no attempt was made to look for the bodies in the middle of the ocean. At the end of the show, the families took the caskets of their lost ones to bury it in their place of choice while we took Nonna's to Sicily. Nothing could be done with the coffin. Only her name was engraved into the marble of the burial vault next to Nonna's (grandfather's). I only paid respect to one person in the Drago mausoleum and traced my fingers over the her name. Leona Aria Drago. She was buried under her maiden name on Nonna's orders.

          The castle had filled with all the family members from both Bonferroni and Drago side and close associates of the family. Gloom was in the air as it was with the dark clouds. Wind whistled outside the window of the security room where I sat and kept an eye on everyone to isolate anyone suspicious if possible.

Amore Mio (#4)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang