Chapter 2: Dangerous Silence

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(Leo's POV)

I couldn't think straight after the news of Arie and Athena missing. I wanted to believe they were alive. They had to be alive. Athena was building her life after many hardships. And Arie... She was my life itself. She was immersed in every breath I took, clouded every thought in my head, and appeared with a smile every time I closed my eyes. How the fuck was I supposed to live like this without her?

My entire body ached with restlessness and anger, but the medicine one of the trusted doctors of the family gave me put me to sleep on the jet. Even then the nightmare of something happening to Arie chilled me to my very core. I had to find her soon and bring her home safely.

I was awoken when we finally landed in New York where the kids and Sophie were moved to under the circumstances. We had a lot more power here than in California and a lot more men. After I took another shower to wake myself up fully, I threw on a suit and slid Arie's locket into my pocket. My face was still bruised due to the punches Orel landed on my face, but there was no swelling. Just the fading yellowish-brown color remained on my cheekbones and jaw. Thankfully, my facial hair growth of two weeks hid them to an extent, but not fully, so it was noticeable.

I was driven to the heavily guarded estate outside the city. After rolling through the grimly long driveway, the vehicle finally halted in front of the mansion where my precious pets roamed the jungle in the back. I stepped out and strode inside, keeping my walk completely normal despite the soreness from the wounds. Guards bowed in my presence as I went straight to the office where I knew Federigo was waiting for me.

          The mahogany double doors were opened for me by Mike. My frustrated father was sitting on the leather rolling chair behind my desk and furiously speaking into the phone when his eyes fell on me. Lines of stress that were formed on his forehead faded just a smidgen. One wouldn't even notice the subtle change unless they knew the man the way I did. Beyond him, the floor-to-ceiling windows put the outside world on display. It was a sight I couldn't enjoy currently.

          "Father," I acknowledged him as Mike and Gus stepped in behind me and shut the door. Before I could say anything else, I looked to the side and noticed Mother rising from the sofa in relief.

          "Leo!" she sighed then quickly came forward to hug me. "My boy! Where have you been?"

          Instead of answering her immediately, I cherished her embrace and let the tension from my body loosen its grip on my muscles. She may have not given birth to me, but she was a mother who was always there to take care of each one of us and put a smile on our faces no matter what. Of course, that wasn't the case for Belle. She still hated Mother's guts after all these years, but she knew better than to say anything derogatory about her in my presence. She knew my anger when it came to hearing insults against Mother. I had almost slapped her in this very mansion for it once.

          "Leo?" Mother whispered, rubbing my back and bringing my attention back to her.

          I pulled back and pecked her forehead. "I was on business. It has been really hectic."

          "Don't lie to me," she scolded in a firm motherly tone which almost made me smile. "Tell me the truth. Something happened. Even Ariel has been away and the kids are here. And your face! Oh, God!"

          "You needn't worry, Mother. And it's Arie. Like the letters R E. It's not Ariel in any form as I've told you before."

          "Forget that. I just want to know what happened." Her worried brown eyes found mine with a desperate need to find answers. "And why do you also have a limp?"

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