Chapter 40: Sibling Rivalry

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Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.


1. Luciano AKA Luca Lumov=Same person. Leo's twin.

2. Luca bought Arie from Lawrence Kane (the head of a sex trafficking ring) for Dimo Yardanov (Ukrainian mobster) before Athena saved her and Robyn (a 15 year-old who was trafficked with Arie whose parents were killed in front of her).

3. Luca caught them on shore when they escaped the island and gave Athena away to Dimo Yardanov's men as Arie/the Bonferroni whore where she was physically/sexually/emotionally assaulted by Dimo and his men until Arie rescued her.

4. Athena made Dimo her bitch and disappeared with him and Robyn along with Eros after the big rescue in Mykonos, Greece where Arie and Athena were hoping to grab Lawrence for information. But Luca sold them out.

5. Athena and Eros had quadruplets through a surrogate at the end of book 3 when Athena went to save Arie from getting kidnapped and was thought to have been killed. One of the babies died in the difficult birth. They have two baby girls and a baby boy who are safe with Lola (the surrogate and Athena's friend).

6. There has been another death that has Eros in shambles that we still don't know about yet.

7. Rex (Luca's friend and confidant) was captured by Leo's men and put into the castle dungeons with Lawrence but Rex released no information after being tortured.

8. Marsilia (Former Italian president and Leo's maternal grandmother) has been believed dead by all, but Leo has her hidden and imprisoned in New York. Only Arabelle, Eros and Vince know about her being alive along with a few trusted guards.

9. Lucian and Ana were put into protection underground with Vince, Evelina (Leo's little sister), and Heaven (Lina's bestie).

10. Leo said Ashton (Arie's twin brother) is away doing something and is safe. Aunt Wendy was also relocated to a safe location.

11. Orel Pavlov (Russian mob leader) is married to Sophie's older sister Cornelia.

12. Sophie is Arie's best friend and was supposed to marry Wren before he was killed at the altar where the bullet was meant for Leo and Arie.

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