Chapter 33: To Serve The King

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⚠️ Warning ⚠️
!Sexual Content!

I won't be putting the sexual scenes between X because the entire chapter is dedicated to it with other scenes in the middle so it'd be annoying to have 4 sets of "X" in the chapter.

Also, I know it's been months since the last update and I love you guys for waiting. I've missed you all very much.

Those who follow me on Instagram know the reason behind my absence. For those who don't: during my time away I got engaged, was out of the country for over a month, prepared for my wedding, GOT MARRIED, moved to a different state, went on my honeymoon, and came back a couple of weeks ago. Yup... A LOT happened.

I may post a pic or two of the wedding on Instagram cuz I know some wanna see them so stay tuned for that.

Those who have been worried, thank you for your concern ❤️ but I'm completely all right and good! I love you all very much ❤️

RECAP: Leo let his twin (Luciano AKA Luca) go after he almost killed Arie. So he's in the air. But he has Luca's best friend (Rex) in the dungeons being tortured for info. He also has Lawrence Kane (the sex trafficker) in the dungeons. We found out that Zaya who was Arie's friend and her maid for a while betrayed her. Zaya confessed to hearing Zee's (Zaya's younger sister and Verona's maid) and Arie's conversation about the address Verona had left her and she informed the traitor and destroyed the jewelry box Verona has left for Arie that had the address and Verona's last letter in it. We left off in the throne room where Leo and Arie danced and she placed the crown on his head. This chapter starts right after he fingered her in the last chapter.

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          Exhilaration hummed in my veins as the last remnants of my orgasm trickled out of me

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          Exhilaration hummed in my veins as the last remnants of my orgasm trickled out of me. It was only the first one yet I already felt weak. But I wanted more. So much more.

Leo grabbed my wrist and pulled me toward the throne. He sunk in the seat solely made for him. The crown still adorned his head. His arms stretched out over the black metal armrests, his fingers tapping over the heads of the lion and lioness with echoing clinks on the front of the armrests. He crossed an ankle over his other knee and rested his fierce gaze on me. My spine straightened, my body reacting on its own accord to the power he oozed. Brutally overwhelming.

          He looked cruelly daunting but all the more alluring. A sin he was and touching him would ruin me. I was already a wreck, hence perfect for him to devastate like I wanted him to.

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