Curse my honesty!

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Chapter for.

"DADDY!!!!!" I screamed, dumping my bag somewhere on the table. I stormed upstairs, passed his office so called his 'space' then poking my head inside when i heard some shuffling of papers. "DADDY!" I huffed, he looked somewhat surprised or that look i call 'i'm so hiding something from you but i don't want you to find out pumpkin'. 

"Yes pumpkin?" I narrowed my eyes. I smell something fishy but being an awesome person i let it go. "LOOK WHAT DEREK DID!" I pulled out my spoiled hoodie, un-rumpling it and displayed it for everyone to see the obviously large green stain. I then untied my hair and showed him the green part of my hair. 

"Pumpkin, what did you do?" 

"I did nothing! Nothing! How could you daddy!" 

"No offense pumpkin but i don't really believe it. There has to be something you did." I rolled my eyes, extremely annoyed at him AND my green hair. "But!" i pouted, crossing my arms. Oh, i feel the love alright. 

"Ah, you take sides dear father! Where is the fairness!" I paced, all Shakespeare-ish. Then i plopped back onto the chair, flailing my arms desperately when i sank. "Help!" He rolled his eyes and went back to typing. "Its lovely to have you here pumpkin but some of us has to work to pay the high bills you caused, playing games all night." 

I gasped. "I'll have you know i had help! Derek hides in the game room all the time when he's avoiding Ari--" The door burst open.

"ARIEL!" My eyes bulged out like in cartoons if they could. And for your information yes, she has red hair like the little mermaid, but a much better darker shade. Oh okay, i'll be nice and say she's pretty. 

"He's avoiding me, isn't he?" She had that sad puppy left in the rain look i oh-so-hate. 

"No! Not all all, he's busy, very very busy" I looked at daddy for help. His mouth formed an 'o' and nodded. "Yes, Ariel dear. He's very busy." 

"See? Busy busy busy. Um, you can sit here, talk with dad. I have things to do, places to be!"  I grabbed her hand and pushed her onto the seat i recently occupied. 


"No, you have a long chat. Future father in law and daughter in law bonding time. Have fun." I skidded out of the room with a final glare from daddy. Sorry old man but crying weeping red heads just doesn't do it for me, i'm hopeless at consoling.  


Lady luck hates me cause Ariel tracked me down till the game room later where i was this close to beating my own best score in Need For Speed. But noooo, she had to burst the door open, making them hit the wall with a bang and i just happen to be surprised out of my mind and well...its a sad day.

 I sighed. 

"Yes?" She sat down on beside me, looking all demure and proper. Oh don't look like that you best score killer. 

"Hay, you would tell me the truth right?" That shut my trap instantly, oh no no no. I'm not going to get involved with this. "Uh, define truth?" My eyes darted around for an escape route, better yet an escape plan. Now if i just put my mind into thinking of one or i'll just be myself and our conversation went a little like this:


"Damn! I need to feed the dogs!" 

"Hay, Der--" 

"Don't those flowers looks amazing?"

"Hayden! Dere--"

"Dandelions, yup or daffodils."

"Hayden please, why is D--" 

"Ducks! Ducks in ponds!"

I managed to stall her for ten minutes till she went crazy red head on me, grabbing my shirt's collar and threatening me like a major pissed off mafia boss. Oh okay, i'm exaggerating but the collar thing, that really happened. 

"Okay, let me go and nobody gets hurt." I held the waffle (i had no idea since when it was there, might be yesterday's breakfast) threateningly. 

Her grip on my collar loosen and i inhaled deeply, oh ew, wrong move when i'm holding a molding waffle. I threw it away, not caring where it ends up. Yuck. 

"He hates me doesn't he." Her shoulders slumped, forlorn and dejected. 

I held back from saying 'yes, indubitably' cause i'm such a pleaser. "What?! No! You're thinking too much into it, missy."

"Oh my god, he is! You're doing that thing when you lie!" 

"What?! Am not!"

"There it is again, your voice is way too high and you play with your hair!" My hand dropped, i didn't even realized. Curse my honesty!

"Sometimes a guy just want some time alone to be a guy, you know? Back up and give him some space okay? While you're at it, why don't you give me some space and get me a soda." A hard whack on the back of my head was all i got. Violence, tsk, should've known. 

"Someone is having their period today." I grumbled, concentrating on the game now thats when i did the mistake of looking beside me, oh she looked heart broken alright. Crap. 

"You know what screw Derek! Stay here, take this controller and try not to kill me. I'll be right back." I said, getting up and leaving the room in search for Derek. That asshole needs a good whacking himself. That'll teach him not to make a weeping red head chase after me like a lost puppy, especially when i'm that close to beating myself in NFS. 

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