Even when i was small, i was....small

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A lot of remembering going on here in this chappie, hope its not too boring. I TRIED MY BEST!! UNEDITED.

Chapter ten.

During dinner, Josh and Sam had joined us, (me, Derek and Dad, aka the regulars. sometimes, Ariel but she had a family function to go to) and Dad wasn't pleased by their abrupt visit and he made sure they know it too. "Pumpkin, how's your carrots?"

I smilled, "Amazing, daddy." He nodded, satisfied with my answer. "Derek, how's school? The principal tells me you're doing great but being the very caring father, i chose to ask you personally." his sarcasm was dripping off his words. Derek looked at me and i shot him the 'just do it'--quoting nike by the way--look.

"I aced all my classes." Derek said awkwardly.

"Of course, my son never disappoints me not like a certain someone. Not a call or even an email. I guess i'm just not worth the effort. And that other daughter of mine, parading around with guys her father aren't aware of. Oh well, i'm just a crippling old man. I only have pumpkin by my side, you'll tell me when you like a boy, right pumpkin?" He turned his gaze at me and i shrugged.

"Daddy, boys have cooties, they're disgusting so i'm going to be a celebate till i die."

"That's my girl." He grinned and dig into his dinner with gusto. Derek raised his brow, "Hay, you don't mean that." I could practically see dad's ears perk. "I do i mean, look at you. What a disgusting slob." I pointed at the mess he made while eating dinner.

"Says another disgusting slob." He deadpanned, pointing at my plate. "HEY! That's art!" I had rearranged my food into a smiley face. "Pumpkin, don't play with food." I stabbed a baby carrot and chewed angrily, imagining it was Derek's hand.

"Daaaad." Sam drawled, trying to get on dad's good side. Keyword, 'trying'. Dad's an amazing sulker, he does it all the time. I guess that's where Derek and I got that uncanny ability from. "It's not that i forgot about you, those guys just don't stick around long enough for me to want to introduce them to you. I just want to find my--the one--you know? The perfect guy that someday, I want to marry. Until then, i'll have to do some trial and errors."

Dad narrowed his eyes, "I can't agree with your methods, Samantha."

"Sam dad, call me Sam." Dad ignored her, "Your mother named you Samantha and i will call you Samantha, period. If you want to meet a nice man, i have plenty of candidates. My colleagues's sons are all impeccable! Doctors, lawyers and even successful businessmen, name anything you want." Yes, dad graduated from Harvard so he has a lot of those sort of friends.

"Dad! I'm tired of being called your daughter, i love you but i don't want someone that sees me as a bank not a person. I want what you and mom had." I looked away so did Derek, we were babies when she passed away. Sometimes, i get jealous of my older brothers and sister. I never got to see her in real life, only in pictures. She looked a lot like me, well in this case, i look a lot like her.

"Samantha." Dad said silently but it oozed authority. Derek and i kept mum and ate what's left on our plates.

"Sis..." Josh's tone hid a secret message that Samantha knows. She slapped her hand on her mouth and looked at us, she looked apologetic, "Sorry Hay, Der." I shrugged and Derek produced  a smile.

The mood then went down south cause Sam just HAD to talk about mom. Dad's really protective of Derek and me so he never let his older children talk about his wife in front of us. Its a taboo in this house. Derek might not mind (maybe) but i do, growing up without a mother sucks but dad stuck with me so i guess, i'm lucky i still have him and my siblings, right?

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