Wait, wait, nope, there's no flying pigs

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Chapter six

I take it allll back, practically anything could happen in an hour. A car crash, an alien invasion and oh, i don't know, seeing my stalker going out with a girl!! In real human terms as in female not internet terms which means guy-in-real-life. IN THIS CASE, A REAL LIFE GIRL! 

I dare you to tell me something more freaky than this. This just go against everything i learned about him. From what i concluded, Mr Stalker is very:

1) Quiet (good job, captain obvious)

2) Afraid of germs (or just plain human contact, but germs are way more fancy)

3) LOVES the color black (i mean i never see him wear another colour)

4) Good at fixing things (he works at a mechanic shop)

5) Works at a mechanic shop.

6) Has a Facebook account. (and uses his real picture, pfft! Idiot) 

7) Eats lucky charm for breakfast but leaves out the tiny marshmallows. (don't as me why, i'm dumbfounded) 

Last but not least:

8) Is an asexual (just a theory based on my observation but i won't put it pass him to be gay and he avoids all the girls at school and Facebook, so...)

I was hunched over, hiding behind some stranger's car as i sneakily (like a ninja) followed them around. Okay, don't misunderstand, i was heading over to Denny's for that stupid assignment thingy when i spot them lovebirds and no i didn't go green eyes monster on them. (Shesh) 

Denny lived in the city with his parents, they were semi rich but Denny had always said he couldn't bear living in a village (screw him, thats my residential area and its called rich people's space, as in acres of space) but i bet its only because he couldn't bear living so far from his botox doctor. 

I flipped the pages of my investigation diary. Nope, no profile on that girl meaning, she's a newbie. I managed to follow them from the arcade to McDonalds and all this ninja action is starting to make me feel hungry. I looked at my watch, it was already six in the afternoon and i promised Denny i'd be there in ten. Okay, so maybe i was a little late like half an hour but this is a golden opportunity, you don't just walk by a delicious looking pie do you? No, you take a damn seat and you savour that bastard. 

So that's what i'm doing, in a non metaphorical way!

I had a major internal conflict, should i stay undercover or go inside and get myself a Mega Mac? Oh no, the dilemma. Confession time, do i see myself as a starving anorexic dying to fit into that size zero dress?

Hell to the no, i'm getting that burger. Not even a psychotic killer can stop me from eating meat! I'd turn Hannibal Lector on his ass then still order that burger as dessert. I was pushing the door open when i realized something mind blowing. 

Oh Hayden, you're so stupid. You can eat and still spy on them!

 Just to make sure i don't feel guilty later, i convinced myself he was going to kidnap the girl. I mean, that's a legit reason right? I'm an honourable citizen whose job is to worry about everyone around me. 

"Welcome to McDonalds, can i take your order? Or would you like our specials? Its at a very reasonable price!" I frowned, no. 

"I'll have a Mega Mac and don't be stingy with the fries." I kept glancing at the suspicious couple with the corner of my eyes as i handed my credit card at the casher. 

"Sign here please." I rolled my eyes, argh the not so fun part about credit cards. 

"Have a nice day, please come again!." I glared at the casher girl as i lifted my tray off the counter. Why is she so chatty? 

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