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Chapter eight


"How about this?"


"This looks nice."


"THIS SUCKS!" I screamed,  throwing the ripped jeans into the discarded pile. Ariel is a total slave driver, i can't even buy a pair of ripped jeans or football jersey without her yelling 'NO' in my ear. If i'm going on this hellish journey, then, i want to be able to buy things i want when i want! 

"I would say yes if it looks nice and girly." She smirked, picking out a disgustingly exposing halter top from a rack. What i would give to shove those 'girly' stuff down her throat, i narrowed my eyes with vengeance. 

An idea suddenly struck me.

"I really need to go to the bathroom." I said urgently, crossing my legs and hopping from one leg to the other. She looked at me suspiciously. "I REALLY NEED TO PEE SIS!" I said out loud, wanting to embarrass the heck out of her. It worked as the other customers began to stare at us.

"I SWEAR I WILL PEE HERE!" I threatened and she quickly pushed me towards the direction of the public toilet. "Hurry, go!" I ran that way and slowed down when i was a good distance away. Ariel can't see me from here. I laughed evilly, taking a detour to the sneakers store. 

"May i help you?" It was a punk-ish girl who catered to me. 

"Where's the new goods?" i internally laugh at my comment. It sounds like i was asking for drugs and she clearly looks like she sells some. I really can't help myself sometimes.

"This one is newly arrived collection. Would you like to try them on?" She said, pointing at a rack of shoes while smiling. Now, i kind of feel bad of secretly making fun of her. That was uncalled for. I picked up a pair of purple converse that the nearest to me and examine it.

It looks great, really great. 

"Do you have size five?" I asked the girl, she picked up the other shoe of the pair and excused herself. I sat on the bench provided in the store while i wait. I stared at the store's interior impassively. 

"Here you go. Try it on." The girl came back and pass me one of the pair of the shoes. It fits like a glove. (Is that an insult to the gloves since i'm talking about shoes? Nah, these babies are converse. They would be proud.) "How do i look? Do these look like they were made for me? Cause i feel it, i feel our connection." I said to her, with a blank stare.

She backed away a step. Man, she's so funny!

"I'll take these." I felt sorry for the girl and decided to get out of her hair quickly. I mean, she must've other stuff to worry about than me creeping her out. "Do you want to wrap it or wear them now?" She managed a coherent smile.

"Do you use plastic?"


"Shame on you! Think about the environment for god sakes! YOU ARE THE MUDERER OF NATURE! NO, I'LL WEAR IT NOW, YOU KILLER!" Her eyeballs were about to jump out of their sockets and hightail out of here. I held back my laugh and tattoed a frown on my face. Seriously, i can't help myself. She's too funny.

Other customers were looking at me like i killed their dog.

The funnier part was when she came back with my credit card and a paper bag to put the shoes i wore inside. "H—Have a nice day." I signed the resit and happily took the paper bag, shoving my old pair of shoes into it.

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