You and me both, Nancy Drew.

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Not edited just because...yes, just because. Btw, do you know how annoying it is to write using a tablet? I want to gauge my eyes out. Its a pain in the ass, like seriously.

Please do not mind the mistakes, it happens often when I have sausage fingers.

Chapter eleven.

"HAY! YOU GOT A PACKAGE!" Sam screamed from downstairs. I was so immersed in the video game, I almost missed it. "I DIDN'T ORDER ANYTHING!" She was climbing the stairs now judging by the sound of her feet stomping, which closely resembles an elephant's.

"I don't care. I'm too busy to get it for you." She said and left, I faintly heard her bedroom door closing.

I rolled my eyes and paused. "Uh yea, busy doing nothing." That's it, I'm asking santa for a sound proof game room for Christmas, so sound proof, I won't hear myself suffocating to death if a fire happens to break out.

"HAY, PACKAGE!!" I rolled my eyes again when Derek hollered for me.

"I know, I know!! Shesh, chill already, I'm coming." I ran down the stairs, nearly colliding wish Josh as he brought a bunch of stuff upstairs. I don't have enough care in me to find out. All I know is, I have a video game paused upstairs and everyone is bloody determined to interrupt my happy fun time.

"Miss Hayden Fey?" I stopped in front of the mailman and sighed, "Yea, hurry up, I don't have time for this."

He stared at me blankly--his eyes look dead, "Sign here please." It was obvious, he had didn't like his job much. I quickly signed and received my package.

"Have a nice day." He didn't mean it.

"Did you buy junk with dad's credit card again?" Derek popped his ugly face on my shoulder. I huffed and shrugged his chin off my shoulder, "No you retard."

"I don't even have dad's card anymore." I headed upstairs an closet the game room's door behind me. I looked at the parcel carefully then shook it beside my ear.

It feels and sounds heavy.

Sitting down on the floor, crossed legged, I started to tear the packaging paper apart. The box was black with no decorations, maybe it's a prank? Maybe there's snakes and spiders in the box, that would be cool.

Only one way to find out.

I frowned, amidst the white roses that contrast with the black box, lies a book, thick and in my opinion projectile worthy.

I didn't pick up the book but reach for the note on top instead. it was plain and the only interesting part of it was the word.

'Cute. -N-'

My frown deepens and I reached for the book, "The girl on a tree?"

Then it hit me, he caught me red handed. I groaned and rolled over, bested in my own game. That sucks! I screamed into a square pillow and proceeded to punch it mercilessly, imagining that it was his face.

How could he have spotted me??

"Fuck you, Neil."

"Who's Neil?" I froze mid-punch and cranked my head towards the door. Ariel stood there, tapping her feet and looking all beauty pageant-y. "And don't tell me it's an animal or a cartoon character. You don't swear at innocents." God, she has quiet feet.

"A serial killer?" It was almost the truth.

She rolled her eyes and locked the door behind her, sitting cross legged beside me. "I'm your best friend, I demand you to tell me!"

"Love makes you bossy as hell."

"I was born bossy," She waved my pathetic subject change attempt away, "is it--dare I say--a guy?" She squealed uncontrollably when she saw the book and note, snatching it up before my brain could will my body to move.

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