I rather you shoot me, shoot me now!

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Chapter five

"YOU ARE OUT OF YOUR MIND MISTER!" I ambushed him, quite frankly i did, he was hiding in his 'art room' for who knows how long avoiding a certain violent and fire breathing red head. I was used to her inner demon but a crying fest? Noooo, i need someone else to take over! SOS! MAYDAY! 

I don't do weeping or just any sort of emotion in that category. 

He huffed and continued to ignored me, in fact he might as well stick wallpaper on me with how well he managed to make me seem nonexistent. He can be such a loser. 

"You can ignore me all you want but i'm not a ghost and i can do this." I snatched his canvas away, shushing him when he started to protest. "Sit down and shut up." I growled. 

"What the hell is wrong with you." I finally said after the purposely initiated silence, just to keep it dramatic. "What's wrong with me? What the hell is wrong with you?"

I pointed a finger at him accusingly.

"Aha! Guilt reflex! Dude like seriously, what is your problem?" 

"What problem? I don't have any problem." I narrowed my eyes at him furiously.

"Denial reflex. I know you're keeping a distance from Ariel. Now i can handle her on a daily basis cause i kind of like her than the type of girls you previously date, no thanks to you, and i'm thinking, avoiding would be a better term to describe it." 

He shrugged. "What is there to avoid?" 

"Easy, confrontation. You, obviously, has a screw loose in that brain of yours." He sighed, hey! At least he wasn't making me crazy anymore. 

"I...i don't know..." He looked at me, looking quite embarrassed, "if she's the one. Dad's bent on us actually being together and she's a decent girl but what if this is a mistake..." I groaned internally, my brother is officially the she-man. Crap, too much heart-to-heart talk in one day, can't be good for my health. 

I slapped him, like all men, he is an idiot and me being me, i thought he deserved a slap. "What was that for?" He hissed. 

"Cause you're making me missed out on..." I checked my invisible watch, "ten minutes of pure Need For Speed fun for...this?" I exclaimed, bewildered. He nodded, oh god, what an idiot.

"One, you guys need to talk it out and there is no way in hell i'm going to stick my nose in this. I rather you shoot me, shoot me now!" He scoffed at my brilliant dramatics. "Its not that easy."

"Nothing is easy to you! You guys are a match made in hell, personally for me it is..." I winced, shuddering in sheer horror. "And how long has it been since the engagement? i reckon...a lot. The woman goes to an all girls elite boarding school! She has the brains, strength both mentally and physically to handle your dumb shit." 

"You could just give me an advice without all the offensive input, thank you very much."

"Nah, where's the fun in that?" 

"So put this crap away." I tossed the canvas somewhere and pushed him out of this stinkin' cave. "and go sweep her off her feet or something. i don't know, just get her out of my personal space and preferably the game room." 

"You are the best little sister anyone could ever wish for."

"Hold back on that sarcasm mister, not appreciated. After all, i saved the day, again in all my awesomeness...you're welcome by the way." He grimaced as i slammed the door behind us. "Why  am i still seeing your ugly face?" I said when i turned and saw he was looking dumb, standing still in one spot. 

He rolled his eyes and sauntered off, well, to the game room cause she's totally still there. Flipping fish sticks, my game...

Its hard for me to say this but Ariel can actually kick some ass! (besides mine and my brother's....and the rarity of my father's) She easily tripled the score i left her with, truth to be told, Derek had to drag her out kicking and screaming...and clawing. 

She's a banshee.

And she made it obvious how pissed off she was at him. "WHY DO YOU EVEN CARE? YOU PRICK!" And the list goes on, although, i was quite happy to finally get back my personal bubble of epic game fun again. 

"I love you both to the deepest darkest part of my heart but if you don't get out now, i will murder you. Here is the boundary, don't cross it!" I gestured to the door. 

I slammed the door in their faces and threw my weight on the comfortable couch. Gah! This is the last time i'm sticking my nose in their business.  

I grabbed the controller again but the phone rang. 

Someone is seriously trying to piss me off right now. "YELLOW?!"  

"Who says yellow to someone on the phone?" I groaned when it was just Denny. This dude will be getting another face lift soon if he doesn't get his annoying voice and face out of my damn life. 

"What!" i screamed, currently busy shooting all the zombies back to their deadland or wherever it is they came from. 

"Seriously Hay, you're still playing games? We have a group assignment together so get your ass over here before i haul it on a plate and serve it with a fish combo!" He can be such a prissy jerk. 

"Alright, put out the flame on your ass, i'll be there in a minute..." Or an hour. 

"I know you too well, in ten minutes, not more or else." I rolled my eyes, very dramatic botox boy. "Heard it, got  it, comprende! Bye!" I hung up and threw it onto the space beside me mindlessly. 

He can iron his knickers out, i mean its just an hour. What harm could it possibly do?

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