"Say aaaahhhh"

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Chapter three.

I'm yet again hiding behind a tree, why you ask? Why my fellow mini stalkers, being the most superior here i have the right to remain with any tree i want to! Oh that and I saw my biggest and most dangerous stalker picking his nose. Just kidding. Sigh, my humor fails me in the most desperate of situations. I mean come on, i'm stalking my stalker for a chance at literary fame! Its quite desperate.

Alas! I am a warrior! A fighter! An adventurer! Thunder booming, storm brewing adventure! Be it the depths of hell, i shall not concur defeat and bla bla bla.

See, how poetic is that?

A whole load of poeticness! (I'm pretty sure i just invented that word)

Back to my story, i am currently sitting on a branch of the school's gigantic and magnificent hundred year old tree, school regulations forbids students from harming a single leaf of this tree but climbing and sitting on a branch doesn't classify as harming, is it now? Insert evil smirk here.

Using my trusty binoculars, i zoomed into my target or formerly known as test subject. Since i'm going to be doing this for a while, i decided to switch it up a little, you know? To keep it interesting. Today i'm agent 007 or James bond, wink wink and the test subject aka Neil is the target.

Target acquired.

Status? Reading a book. Or maybe a super secret document! That book probably has a huge hole in it which contains the mission file! Exhilarating.

He flips a page. "Or not." I rolled my eyes, way to go at ruining my fun.

I took out my journal and randomly scribbled some words and a terrible drawing of spongebob. "I have no artistic gene in me." I shook my head disappointedly. As if he heard me muttering nonsense, his head snapped right at my direction but haha! This is where i outsmart him, he can't possibly see me up here between these heavy lidded leaves.

Its my own cocoon here.Teach those caterpillars whose the boss.

I'm the master of manipulating nature!

Wait, if i can manipulate nature, won't that mean i'm a ninja? Uh, totally against my character for today.

Snapping out of it, I smirked, leaning against the tree, happy i'm well acquainted with trees now. He raised a brow and produced a confused look and went back to reading his book under the gaze of the warm sun. Yea, you go on read that book like a smart little stalker. Cause you're not, i am!

Talking about books, i left mine in my locker and class starts in ten. I need to go get them and go to class--or i could ask Derek. He's always available, short of anything else to do in life except COD. Couldn't blame him, that and need for speed. Top two favs, can't ask for a better game except if there was a new much more awesome game, i'd drop them like hot potatoes.

I'm UNGRATEFUL! So very ashamed of myself.

Checking out the time i knew i had to go now or suffer the wrath of Mrs Platypus. Sighing a non audible sigh, i got on my feet and started climbing down the tree while the target's too busy reading...um whatever it is he's reading.

Upon reaching the locker--pfft, upon reaching the locker, how posh!--my phone buzzed, making me jump before reaching into my back pocket to get it. I slid thumb across to unlock it, just a plain old text message. From an unknown number. Actually an unknown number that i know...so i know. Confusing.

I saw you...

My heart skipped a beat, like beats of a drum. Shesh, got me nervous for nothing, so he saw me, big deal! I see him all the time but he always did like silent and indirect approach. Like phones and facebook, yes i have a facebook account mind you.

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