When i first met you

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Chapter two

Derek’s snoring was overwhelming, I swear he’s giving a walrus a run for its money, which would be walrus money? Do walruses carry currency, it makes one wonder—snapping out of my random thoughts I glared at the snoring fiend, he was supposed to be studying—though you can call me a hypocrite—and all I see is his book smothered with his saliva! Can he be any more embarrassing? Apparently he could.

He shuddered beside me then laughed maniacally, still asleep. Only God knows how.

I whistled awkwardly, silently denying all blood relations with this—creature. The teacher glared at us, him since he’s sleeping…obviously! And to me since I’m related to him, judgy much? I tutted. I nudged the lazy sob with my elbow and watched as he gasped into consciousness, jumping onto his feet half asleep. “WHERE’S THE FIRE?” He yelled.

“I’ll have you know there is no fire whatsoever Mr Fey, would you care to take a seat and please pay attention.” Pfft, its world history woman, you’d think she’d get it by now. “Sorry Mrs Platypus—I mean Mrs Platino.” He scratched the back of his head nervously. Thank you idiot! Now we’re so having detention, I glared.

“Detention after class for the Fey’s.” I glared harder at the teacher, I knew she had something against me for a while now and I’ll be damn before I’ll let her screw with me. I slammed my hands on the table. “That’s not fair, I didn’t do anything!” I spat, if looks could kill she would be six feet under right about now. “Are you going against my orders Miss Fey?” She had a hint of smirk lingering and I was about to combust into flames from the anger.

“Nope, she isn’t. Right, sis?” Derek widen his eyes at me telling me to go along. “Right.” I gritted between my teeth, bitch. “Well then seat yourselves, let’s continue the lesson.” She turned her back on us and I made angry fists and threw punches at her back in a distance. Derek held me back and pushes me down onto the chair.

“I can’t believe that bitch!” I huffed, storming angrily down the hall. “Oh come on, the old witch doesn’t have anything left to be happy about except torturing students.” Derek reassured and we all knew Mrs Platino was the old lady that lived at the furthest house with eight cats like jon and kate. “That’s the only thing that stops me from punching her in the face. I actually feel pity for the old hag. Ugh, I hate senior year!”

Derek sighed and muttered along the lines of “My sister has the temper equivalent of road rage…”

Whilst we resume walking like typical teenagers would—with shizzle!—I caught a familiar looking figure silently moving like the freaking grim reaper! I beamed and told Derek to go ahead without me to what supposed to be P.E.

Hands holding my trusty handy dandy workbook and the other my pen, I worked my way behind a tree—what is with me and trees, plants in general? As I watched his scarily large back move, it was then I remembered when I started to notice his ever-present figure, stalking me silently...

“Derek, no go back home. I can handle my own shizz.” I pouted, arms crossed because he insisted on driving me home after detention, it’s becoming quite a daily thing now. I suppose the school doesn’t have detention record limits cause oh boy, I’m way over the boundary. “Or you could just give me the keys and I’ll drive home myself.” I grinned, yea that would work out just fine.

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