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"Before you go"... "master wants to talk with you..."

Lucy POV

I walked into the masters office leaving Michelle and Natsu behind. I stood in the military stance of attention to show respect. Master has given me so much, it's the least I could do.
"Lucy my child, at ease" master started, i stood at ease. "I wanted to speak with you about Michelle."
"What is it master" I asked
"See child, Michelle's blood is very special, she's mutated." Master went straight into the information.
"What about it master?" I was genuinely confused.
"See, we are worried that it'll affect her child and the birth. You see," master pulled out a vial of some purple liquid. "This is Michelle's blood."
I stood in shock. For a moment I was Unable to answer. I pulled myself together.
"Master, what will need to be done?" I asked
"We will have her here at the hospital for testing and observation. You and Natsu Can visit, along with the baby's father. We just need you to explain it to the child" master said with a straight face.
I was enraged, but I can't question his orders.
"Yes master" my voice quivered.

Natsu POV

"... then me and your sister killed this huge super mutant with a hunting knife. We still have it's finger. I can show you when we get home, just don't tell luce." I laughed with Michelle.
"Hey, Natsu. Thanks for being with my sister" Michelle smiled.
"No problem." I gave her a thumbs up.
The door opened and my beautiful girlfriend walked in but something was off. She didn't look happy.
"Michelle..." Luce came over and sat with her sister on the hospital bed.
"Can we go home big sis?" Michelle asked
"No.. we can't." Luce said looking away from her sister.
"What why not?" I immediately asked.
"Michelle, you're blood it's mutated. They are worried about it affecting the baby so... they wanna keep you here until it's born just to be sure" Luce explained.
Michelle didn't answer. She just held in her tears. Luce hugged Michelle.
"Don't worry, I'll be here everyday- and so will Natsu, and the boy." Lucy's voice quivered.
"I just wanna be with you big sis" Michelle wept.
"I wanna be with you too" Luce and I held Michelle for what seemed like hours.
"Sorry lucy, visiting hours are over" wendy came in with a tray with some snacks and syringes.
"Take good care of her okay?" Lucy said.
"I love you baby sis" Lucy said as she kissed Michelle's head.
"I love you too sis" Michelle hugged Lucy before we left.

(We love sisterly love)

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