02║First Crush

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Save for the time that a few servants came to prepare a bath for her and bring her food, Czarina hadn't been visited by anyone else since her return. It was only her dog who kept her company, moving around the room, yipping softly and sniffing everywhere. Czarina kept on heaving small sighs, busying herself with picking at her nails.

She was laying in her bed, her head hanging off its edge when she heard a series of beeps. She raised her head and saw that it was her laptop, informing her of an incoming call. Her dog growled lowly and she shushed him, getting out of the bed. She moved to the table where her laptop was sitting on and dropped into the chair that was in front of the table. Czarina tapped on to the circular photos that were on the laptop's screen, accepting the call. The screen darkened before two faces appeared on the screen, divided into squares, her own face a tiny square at the bottom of the screen.

The first girl beamed at Czarina, the light behind her bright blue hair surrounding her like a halo. "Czar! You're back!" she cried out, dramatically throwing her arms up.

Czarina rolled her eyes, pulling her feet onto the chair, sitting Indian style. "Hey Mauvine. Didn't miss you," she droned, tucking her hand under her chin after she placed her elbows on the table, her expression bored.

The other girl snorted. "That makes the two of us." Her eyes shifted slightly to the left, meaning that she was viewing Mauvine who was trying to make an upset face. She failed, her weak frown fizzling into a smile.

"Why do the both of you hate me?" she complained in a funny voice.

Czarina exhaled sharply through her nostrils. "It's because you suck at everything. Even laughing."

Mauvine threw her head back and laughed lightly with a series of snorts, affirming Czarina's words. The other girl rolled her dark brown eyes.

"Anyway... we just decided to give you a call Czar, to check up on you." She folded her arms. "So... how are you?"

"Do I look okay to you? How do you expect me to feel at the end of each term? Happy?" she said through her teeth.

"Well..." The girl scratched the back of her head. "I just wanted to ask." She shrugged. "That's all."

"Well don't because I don't want to be a "sappy story,"" she said, using air quotes. "Don't say another word about it otherwise I'm cutting this call and going back to being bored."

Mauvine leaned closer to her laptop, her braces visible as she said, "no you're not."

Czarina quirked an eyebrow. "What?"

Mauvine motioned at her face. "Your face looks... red. Were you just masturbating and we'd cut you short?"

The other girl gasped and then she groaned, slapping her forehead. "Mauvine! Don't ask questions like that!"

"Ew. Why will you say such a thing?"

"Because... um... your cheeks look kind of... red. Like, really, really, really red."

At once, her hands flew to her cheeks. Her eyes went wide and then her shock vanished into thin air in a matter of seconds. She cocked her head, her hair falling to the side as she folded her hands on top of the table.

"And if I'm blushing, how does that concern you?"

Mauvine shrugged. "Well you're the type of girl that rarely gets flustered and—"

"And what Mauve? Do I look like one of those stupid girls from sappy romcoms?"

Farina blew air out of her mouth, gently scratching an inch that was in her silver-coloured cornrows with the tip of her finger. "Well that's a way to put it."

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