Ouran Love Final chapter (They just pull me right back in)

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1 Year Later

           "So should I be concerned that your two months off correspond so nicely with Aiko and Aito's summer vacation?" Kamiko said leaning against the frame of Hime's door, watching her pack.

          "Nothing I do from this day until the end of my two months should be any of your concern Kamiko."  She responded zipping up her last suitcase and pulling it off her bed. No not her bed. The bed she was forced to sleep in, in the house she was forced to stay in with the woman she despised. 

              "Aww suddenly I'm not 'mother'? That hurts my feelings." She grinned standing up straight and crossing her arms. 

           Hime sighed, "You haven't been 'mother' for quite some time Kamiko." She put the suitcase she'd just packed by the others leaning against the wall and called out,"Rei! Momo!" Two guards, a seventeen year old boy and a twenty-one year old woman, appeared behind Kamiko. Hime smiled and pointed at her luggage, "Could you guys help me out with these?" With a nod they stepped around Kamiko and moved to pick up her luggage. "Not that one!" Hime yelled pulling away a small suitcase away from Momo's reaching hand, who looked at her confused. "Sorry this one's special." She said embarrassed. Momo just nodded her head and grabbed the left over bags. She and Rei turned toward the door and walked out knocking into Kamiko on both sides before turning the corner and leaving her sight.

                "You know I don't neccessarily like the way your bodyguards treat me." Kamiko sneered walking into the room and sitting daintily on the bed. "They seem not to like me very much."

          "Oh really?" Hime didn't even bother to sound surprised, and didn't hide her smile either. "I wouldn't have ever guessed that." She stood up straight and walked toward the door. 

         "Hime? Am I really that terrible?" Her mother asked shifting on the bed. Hime heard the bed sheet rustling and sighed. 

        Turning slightly to glance at her mother, before continuing to walk toward the door. "Yes." She answered finally as she reached it. "And if I didn't have to come back, I wouldn't." She closed the door behind her and walked out of the house and to the waiting limo. Rei and Momo stood in front of it looking stone faced as ever. 

      "You two need to lighten up." She smiled opening the door before they could. "It's a two month vacation! Live a little." She saw them glance at each other before Rei slid in beside her and Momo got into the driver's seat. "To the airport!" Hime yelled pointing forward, truly excited about the prospect of what the next two months could bring.

             In Japan

        "I have never hated a plane ride more than that one." Hime mumbled to Rei as they watched Momo go to grab her bags. 

        "We could have taken the jet." came the boys reply. 

            "Yeah, but that would prove I need her, and I don't." Hime said, glaring at the open space while picturing her moth- no Kamiko's smug look if she had asked to take the jet.

         "It seems there is someone waiting for us." Momo's words made her turn and she saw exactly who she wanted to see. She walked toward the tall figure and smiled, "Are you here to pick me up?"  The boy just nodded not exactly looking as friendly as she'd hoped but what could she do? It had taken him most of the first time he'd met her to actually start liking her.

          "You know if I'm going to be doing buisness with your family, the least we could do is be friends. Right Kyoya?" She grinned. "My name is Hime kastugaya, it's a pleasure to meet you." She held out her hand, making sure to use the name she had told his father. It would have seemed strange if she had the same last name as her brothers when, as far as they were concerned, they didn't even know each other. Kyoya gripped her hand firmly and nodded. "Now would you mind taking me to my hotel. That plane ride sucked." She grinned up at him and his smirk seemed to be the only smile she would get out of him right now.

          "Of course I can." He said turning away and heading towards his waiting car. 

        "Why did you give him that fake name?" Rei asked as they followed Kyoya. Hime shrugged, not wanting to share her plan just yet.

       "You know while we're here you two will have fun, promise?" She stopped turning to look at them. They glanced at each other before nodding and she smiled, running forward and hugging them. "Thanks guys. For everything." They didn't hug back but she knew they returned the sentiment, "You're welcome." They both said.

         "Ms. Kastugaya! You're going to be late for your check-in!" Kyoya yelled from the car and Hime rolled her eyes.

       "As controlling as ever aren't you Kyo?" She mumbled under her breath. 

         "What was that?" He asked as she got to the car and she smiled at him.

        "Oh I said Ms. Kastugaya is my mother. I'm about your age, just call me Hime." She slid into the car and he slid in next to her, "Okay Hime." He smiled and she watched as Rei slid in on her other side. "Thank you Kyoya." She put on her seatbelt and turned to him. "Wanna hear a prediction?" She asked, smiling wide enough to  show her wisdom teeth.

            "Sure why not?" Kyoya answered and when she heard the driver's door open and close she leaned closer to his ear and whispered, "I think this summer is going to be the most exciting one you've ever had." Then she sat back as Momo stomped on the gas, sending the car racing away from the airport, Hime laughing inside the whole time.

*Thank you to everyone who stayed with me! Through my intense writer's block. Epic chapter fails, and that faze where I truly wanted to put something graphic into every chapter but couldn't get myself to write it- All of that passed without a hitch because you guys encouraged me! So Thank you so much! I will be writing a sequel as soon as I know what kind of feedback my story gets. I write because of you guys and if you have any ground breaking ideas or requests I will not ignore them, but I will not guarantee they will all be used. Anyway I love you guys! And Since this is in the Watty Awards-And is now completed, Can I get a Whoot! Whoot!-  I sincerely hope you vote for me!

~This is LaLa signing out of Ouran Love for the very last time *tear* Peace!

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