Ouran Love Chapter 22 (All good things must come to an end)

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         The door stayed closed for a moment and Hime held her breath, then it opened slightly and a security guards face filled the empty space. "What?" He asked coldly. Hime hissed and kicked the dooor sending him flying backwards into a wall and ran into the room.

            "Hime!!" She heard just before something crashed into her and she was thrown to the floor. 

           "Woah! Woah! Woah!" She yelled laughing and pushing against the body on top of her. "Remember what we said about personal space Mitsukuni?" She grinned looking up at the blonde. 

        "Yep! Don't care!" He answered hugging her tightly. She sat up to find the rest of the hosts staring at something behind her, then two familiar voices behind her made her heart clench. 

     "Hime?" She heard Aiko whisper in disbelief. "Is that really you?" Aito asked in a similar tone. Hime smiled so wide her cheeks hurt and she stood up prying Mitsukuni's arms from her body. Then her smile dissapeared as quickly as it had come.

         "Yeah. I'm pretty sure it's still me." She answered afraid to turn around. Afraid of what she might find. Her fingers trembled and her ears sprung up from her head twitching nervously. She heard Aiko chuckle behind her and she clinched her teeth tightly. "Is that really you?" She asked her voice coming out breathless. 

       "Why don't you turn around and find out?" She heard them say.

       "Because I'm afraid I'm dreaming. That I'm still on the plane on my way here. That I'm going to have to go through all of this again. That nothing will work out when I wake up. It all feels real but I don't want to risk it." She admitted trembling. 

        "Well it didn't really work out right this time." She heard Aito say his voice sounding closer. "They were thrown in here immeadiately after they spoke to the people at the front desk. Why did you think that would work anyway?" Hime ignored this not ready to go into the reason for that yet.

        "If I turn around right now, you swear this wont all dissapear? That I won't suddenly wake up?" She asked instead. She heard Aiko chuckle again and felt arms wrap around her waist, even at this she kept facing the hosts. She had to hear it. They stared back at her confused looks upon their faces. Another pair of arms wrapped around her tightly and two hands slipped into her line of sight, "We pinky swear." They said into her ear and a smile bloomed across her face once again. Turning around quickly she wrapped her arms around them tightly tears already streaming from her eyes. 

         "I missed you so much." She spoke into their shirts her voice coming out muffled.  

       "We missed you too." They spoke into her hair tears rolling down their cheeks and soaking into her shoulder. She sank to her knees pulling them down with her and they sat huddled togerther crying. Suddenly multiple arms were wrapped around them. Hime looked up to see the smiling faces of all the hosts and she leaned back opening her arms wider to include them in the circle. 

           "I'm so glad we found you guys." Haruhi said as they broke apart sitting close together on the floor. "You have no idea how horrible hime looked without you." Hime hissed at her and her tail unfurled in surprise. Aiko and Aito looked at each other then back at Haruhi whose tail was swishing behind her slowly. 

          "Hime did you-" "Bite them?" They asked looking at Hime who blushed and looked away from them.

         "Yeah. Kinda." She looked at them and shook her head. "Lets not talk about that right now. I just I need to know what went on with you guys." She finally gave them a once over and noticed they were dressed really well. They were downright handsome in fact. She grinned slightly, "You two look like you just walked off a magazine cover." The twins looked down at their clothes in disgust and simultaneously pulled off their shirts. 

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