Chapter 2 (It's not my fault I'm so popular)

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           Hime woke up that morning feeling warmer than usual but it didnt really matter cause she was a little cold. "Mmm body heat." She moaned turning around and wrapping her arms around her brother which one she wasn't so sure.

           "Mmm body heat." She heard behind her. 'Oh so I'm hugging Aiko and Aito is behind me' she thought as Aito wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer.

                  "Aito, Aito, Aito!" She whispered loudly. she had to get up and she couldnt until her brother moved. "Aiko." she whined poking him on the chest. Did they honestly need to sleep in their boxers every night and crawl into her bed every night. Their room was next door so it wasn't that long of a walk but she knew it obviously wasn't sleep walking you can't open doors while you sleep walk. She had forgotten to put on pajamas last night and she needed to get dressed for school. "I don't need this right now." She sighed. She gathered up her strength and pushed Aiko off the bed. He landed with a thump and groaned. Then she turned around and pushed Aito off but his grip ended up being stronger than she thought because she ended up falling on top of him while he fell to the floor. Aiko groaned again.

             "Hime," he whined. "Why'd you do that." Aito groaned under her and she sat up.

                   "Because we need to get ready and that won't happen if you to are holding me to my bed."She said with a sigh. Aiko smirked.

           "If I remember correctly it was you holding me to the bed not the other way around." Aito jumped into the conversation. "And it's you holding me to the ground right now." Hime looked down at him and smiled. She leaned down and let out her ears and tail.

          "Don't act like you dont love it." She purred. Aito blushed and turned his head away. She laughed and stood up. "Now if you two will excuse me I have to take a shower and when I come back you better be gone!" She said grabbing her towel and head for the door.

                   "Hime wait!" Aiko yelled. She turned around with her hands on her hips. Aiko jumped onto the bed with Aito and they let out their tails. "Can we come with you?" They asked together. "Yeah we always used to take baths together." Aito added.

            "No." Hime said flatly and walked outta the room. They ran out behind her.

        "Please!" They begged.

           "No way in hell." She said.


    "No buts now go use your own bathroom because we are not sharing mine!" And with that she slammed the door. Hime sighed 'sometimes my brothers dont know when to quit.' she thought. She turned on the water and got in. "It's my first day at school and my first day in the host club I gotta have fun with this." Hime mumbled to herself. "I guess I could-" Before she could finish she heard the door creak open. She sniffed the air, "Aiko! Get out now!" she yelled grabbing her towel and turning off the water.

             "But sis Aito's in the shower and he wont get out!" Aiko whined trying to hug her. She hit him over the head.

        "If you ever come in my bathroom after I get in the shower I'll rip you to shreds with my claws and feed you to the alley cats got it!" She snarled at him with a glare that said 'if looks could kill you'd be dead now.'

         "I-i-i-i'm sorry sis I'll go now." Then he ran outta the room with his tail between his legs. Hime slammed the door.

         "And stay out!" she yelled. She walked over to the cabinet, grabbed her bandages and started wrapping her chest. When she was done she got dressed in her normal outfit and walked down stairs for breakfast. She waved to the chef after she finished putting her wig on. "Cook-chan what's for breakfast?" The cook, a big round man with laugh lines around his mouth and face, turned and smiled at her.

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