Ouran Love Chapter 19 (There are no words...)

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             Hime turned toward the exit with her poptart in her mouth and looked up to meet Kyoya's eyes. She took a bite and chewed slowly, continuing to stare at him. This went on until she swallowed and licked her lips, and she watched his eyes dip and watch her lips. She smiled and he blinked and she thought of the best ice breaker, "I win!" He blinked again then a ghost of a smile was on his lips for a fraction of a second.

            "Yeah, I guess you did." He said. Hime smiled and offered him a random pastry which he took gratefully.

      "So, are you back to apologize for being a mean kitty?" Hime asked grabbing a loaf of bread and walking over to a seat.

      "No." Was all he said and she shook her head. "Of course not. Now that that's solved let's find out where that witch hid my brothers, shall we?" Hime looked around at everyone and they all nodded, although some more hesitantly than others still looking at Kyoya. "Okay then," She said drawing attention back to her and putting her bread down. "Kyo do your computer geek magic and trace my mother's phone, please?" She said making sure to give him something to do first. He reached over her and grabbed his bag from the seat next to her and reached in to grab his laptop.

           Then she turned to Toby, "B," She called using an old nickname her brothers had given him, "I need you to go to some of the hotels my mom and dad frequent. One of the maids might have seen them. Oh!" She said as an afterthought, "And take Tamaki with you. Use some of that host club princely charm to make them talk. We don't have time for negotiations." She smiled and turned to the twins, "You two take Mitsukuni and go make some noise in the airport. I want her to know we're here and that we're coming. That'll make her call a few people to stop us and make your job," She looked at Kyoya with an evil glint in her eye. "That much easier." She stood up and grabbed another poptart out of the bag, "As for me and Takashi well," She smiled wider and grabbed the big guy's arm, "We're gonna knock on a few doors. I'm very persuasive," She let her ears and tail out, but kept her fangs and claws in check. "Especially when I'm really nice." She purred.

            "Hime are you sure about this?" Toby asked already backing towards the plane's exit, knowing her answer. Hime smiled and nodded and Toby turned away, "Oh Toby!" She yelled running up to him. He turned and she put her hands on both sides of his face and kissed him quickly. "If you find her, don't do anything stupid with Tamaki there. Got it!" She looked into his eyes and he nodded and petted her head. "Don't worry kitten. I have to be okay enough to tell you how stupid your plan is later." With that he turned quickly and strode down the steps with Tamaki close behind. "Don't do anything stupid." He yelled behind him as he and Tamaki went around the plane and out of sight.

          "Next are my three little devils." Hime turned and clapped her hands. Hikaru, Kaoru, and Hunny shot up and ran out of the plane, toward the terminal. "Don't do anything too bad!" She yelled after them and sighed. She turned and looked up at Mori as he put a hand on her shoulder. Staring into his eyes for  moment, she nodded. "He'll be fine. I promise now let's go." She said and he walked out of the plane in front of her. She turned to Kyoya one last time, to see him typing away on his laptop quickly, his tail out and swaying slowly behind him. "Kyo," She started and he glanced up at her before nodding and looking back down at his laptop. "Make sure she can't track you later on. That's why I sent those three to the terminal. They make noise and then get out, she can't catch any of you understand?" She looked to him for a response knowing she wouldn't get one. "Call me when you find her okay?" With a slight nod of his head he agreed and the conversation was over. She walked out of the plane and met Mori at the bottom of the steps.

            He looked down at her and she smiled up at him. "Looks like you're stuck with me handsome. Ready to go be persuasive?" She asked. He shrugged and she turned and headed the opposite way Toby and Tamaki had gone. Mori grunted and followed her. "If you're wondering where we're going, we're visiting an old friend of my parents. And I'm gonna come through on a few threats he probably doesn't remember." Hime shrugged and sighed. "The least I could do. Now come on let's see if my mark did you any good. Run!" Hime yelled taking off running and just like she figured Mori kept up easily.

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