Ouran Love Chapter 20 (Battles won and lost)

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         "Glad you found the hotel okay." Hime said half-heartedly. 

       "Yeah." The hosts replied gathering around in front of the Winston hotel. After the call Hime and  Mori had rushed to the hotel calling all of the hosts on the way.

       "So.." She began drifting off into silence. Now that she was here she started to rethink her plan. "Listen if you guys want to wait back at the plane I completely und-" 

        "Are you that afraid to trust us?" Haruhi asked , bouncing on the heels of her feet already letting the adrenaline of the whole mission get the best of her. Hime gaped at her before shaking her head quickly. 

       "I already fully trust you. You wouldn't be here if I didn't trust you. You definitely wouldn't have those bite marks if I didn't trust you!  I just... I can't..." 

      "What Hime? What are you holding back now that we're finally here. You came to US for help. So why won't you let us help you." Tamaki asked stepping closer.

       "I just.. I really can't..." Hime kept drifting of even though the words were right on the tip of her tongue. 

"What? You can't what?" He asked. He was starting to irritate her and she stepped closer so she was nose to, neck technically, and looked into his eyes.

       "I can't let her hurt anyone else." She said clearly not breaking eye contact. Tamaki blinked, surprised and she turned away back towards the doors of the hotel. "If you're ready come on. But I will say this once and only once. Stay AWAY from my mother. If you see her turn the other way. If you smell her run like hell, and if she catches you-" Hime paused and her voice saddened. "Just make sure she doesn't catch you." With that she opened the door and they paraded into the the lobby. Taking a deep breath she looked around. "Okay Hosts, we talked it over. I told you what to say, now go work that handsome man magic on those front desk ladies." She smiled back at them, but her stomach hurt. All the stress was getting to her body and she had to get this over with soon or she would lose it. 

        "Let's go gentlemen," He winked stupidly at Haruhi and she nodded. "We have customers to attend to." They started walking toward the front desk when Hime called after them, "Behave yourselves!" Before running toward the elevators. Hime knew their parts of the mission- mission? Is that really what they agreed to call it?- The hosts would walk up to the front desk ladies and tell them they were there for a modeling gig with her parents. Tamaki would give that blonde king smile and the ladies would immeadiately give them her parents work room number. They would go up to that room expecting to find her brothers and then run them down to Toby who was sitting in a car they had taken from another of her parents friends. Meanwhile Hime was supposed to be distracting her parents. Simple enough right?

         Wrong. So wrong. Hime wasn't feeling horrible because her brothers were gone. That part ate her up too, but the real reason she felt horrible was because of something she didn't tell anyone. Not the hosts, not Toby, and if she could help it her brothers would never find out. Standing in the elevator she decided to admit, even in her head, that her mother taking her brothers was not because her mother was a horrid person. Granted her mother was a nasty, vicious woman but she didn't act without cause. Her brothers were taken from her because Hime was her mother's daughter, whether she wanted to admit it or not. 

             See here's the thing. It was all because of her power. Mind control with just a kiss? That was unheard of! Why with enough practice it would only take a simple touch. Maybe no touch at all! While she was downstairs doing her chores her mother had approached her with a proposition. "Everything you could ever want." She started. And that was an unfair start to the conversation. Any girl on this planet would listen to what she had to say after she said that. But she pretended to ignore her until her mother continued without encouragement. "I could make sure that power of yours goes from provacatively fine to ultimately amazing." That got Hime to turn around.

              "What do you want?" She said monotonely. She knew all about her mother's false promises and she wasn't falling for it now.

         Her mother smiled and continued, "I just want to give you everything, you could ever wish for." She grinned walking around and resting her hands on her shoulders. "I can even give you the one true thing you've always wanted." She leaned closer and Hime felt the breath on her ear.

        "How could you possibly think you know what I want?" Hime whispered angrily. She was truly pissed. 

     "Because I see how you look at them." Her mother whispered. Hime spun around staring at her mother. 

    "Look at who?" At that time so many names had run through her mind, but not the ones her mother said. Those had been unthinkable.

  "Your brothers." Her mother smiled wickedly. Hime's breath stilled and her eye's widened. 

      "My brothers? You sick twisted-" "Don't play dumb with me." Her mother had said it so calmly that it had stunned her into  silence. "You know in the back of that childish little brain of yours," Her mouth twisted into a look of disdain," You have to have some sense." Hime took a step back as if her mother had physically hit her. She was used to her insults, her abuse, even her mind games, but this shot at her brothers was unheard of. 

          "I love my brothers AS brothers. Nothing more nothing less you psycho." Hime folded her arms and leaned against a wall. 

        "Oh really?" Hime started to answer but was cut- off, "If so then why do you let them lick your wounds?" Her mother asked. "Easy because-" "And why do you three play that incest game with everyone?" Hime shrugged, "Well-" "And futher more why do you think nothing of it when you end up in the same bed?" "That's not-" "Why are they so attached to you and you to them?" "Because-" Her mother just kept cutting her off. Why? Why? Why? That's how everything her mother said started off, and as soon as Hime tried to answer she would move on to the next question. 

            Soon Hime had slid down the wall. Knees up she took her mother's verbal abuse. Covering her head like she could physically stop the onslaught she kept trying to get out feeble excuses. "And why, my dear child, did you kiss one of them?" Was her mother's final question and this time she paused to give Hime time to answer. But words were lost to her. "Why- Why do you think that?" She spoke around the lump in her throat and her voice came out hoarse. "Oh kitten. You didn't think anything actually happened at that school that I didn't know about did you?" She smiled smugly and that was the last straw, Hime shot up and was in her face with her claws and fangs fully extended before her mother could raise a claw. 

        "You disgusting, vicious, and apparently perverted woman. How dare you let the thought pass through your mind that I would do something so disgusting." Hime hissed defensively, her stomach already sinking at the lie. "You are a sorry excuse for a human being and an even sorrier excuse for a cat. I hope for you sake you truly live to see me happy, so that I can send you screaming to hell afterward. As far as I'm concerned you don't exist. Nothing you do matters anymore," She backed away and retracted her claws painfully slow. Then she took a deep breath and retracted her teeth. "And for your information," She continued taking the hiss from her voice and smiling fakely. "I hope Dad burns in hell with you. Tell the bastard that. He's never here anyway." With that she turned away feeling as satisfied as she was scared. 

          "I always knew you were a foolish little girl, but I had no idea you were suicidal too." Her mother called after her. "Everything you could've wanted." She kept calling. "You brothers will never be yours now!"  Hime just kept walking focused on finishing the last set of chores would ever do.

       That's where all of this started. She challenged her mother and the challenge was accepted. Now she had to make it right. She had too. She realized that now. Even if it meant the end for her. She had to save her brothers and her new friends. The only real family she'd ever had. It was now or never. She straightened her shoulders as the elevator doors opened on the penthouse floor. Now or never. 

It was time to face her fate.

~One or two chapters next!~ Were you surprised? Are you intrigued? Are you voting for me? Say yeeeees you know you WANT TOOO! Please tell me what you think I want to make these last chapters as amazing for you as I think they'll be for me!

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