Chapter 3 (I really dig a guy in uniform)

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          "Yami-kun!" 'Ugh Tamaki not again.' Hime thought.

            "Yeah blondie." she said.

        "Why aren't you in cosplay. A gentleman should learn how to please a woman's interest. Women hear love when we expose a little skin and dress up for them. Wouldn't it be splendid if you could-" After that Hime completely zoned out. 'God why can't he just shut up like a regular person. I swear there hasn't been a time when I didnt hear his mouth running.' She thought. Hime looked around and saw what they were wearing. 'Im not sure what this is but I think there going for job outfits.' She thought. Hime came to this conclusion because Hunny was dressed as a cook, very fitting, Mori was dressed as a army general, Hikaru and Kaoru were dressed as officers 'How ironic figuring one of them if gonna end up in jail for what they do.' Hime thought.

          Haruhi and Kyoya were dressed as waiters and Tamaki was, what else, a king. Hime wasn't even sure that was a job. Hime yawned and got up.

         "Yami-kun where are you going." The girls and Tamaki yelled together.

      "Away I'm bored." Hime said finally and kept walking. She headed headed towards Hunny because although she didn't like anyone here too much she thought the little kid was kinda cute and she got free cake while she was over there so she could put up with them.

      "Hey kid." She said running her hand over Hunny's amazingly soft hair and plopping onto the couch.

         "Hi Yami-kun!" Hunny said excitedly.

             "Yami." Mori said in that deep voice of his. She leaned back against the sofa and put her arms over the back.

           "Yeah?" She said. She liked this guy because he didnt talk much and that meant she didn't have to talk much either.

           "Customers." Was all he said.

       "Yeah, Yeah I'm gonna go back to em. I just wanted to visit my two favorite people." She said with a smile. Hunny perked up at this.

        "Really! We're your two favorite people Yami-kun!" He yelled and tried hugging her. 'Uh-oh' Hime thought. She may bandage her chest down but they were sorta big and with enough pressure you could still feel them and she'd seen Hunny hug all those other girls and no matter how cute he was the kid was a perv. He dug his face into all those girls chest and all they did was blush and fawn over how cute he was. Not gonna happen. Hime grabbed him and dropped him on Mori's lap before he could get to far. He looked up at her with tear filled eyes.

          "So you don't like me Yami-kun?" He asked sounding on the verge of tears.She grabbed a napkin and wiped the tears from his eyes.

        "Naw, kid I like ya I'm just not into hugging people thats all." She said in all honestly. He sniffed  


"Really." She replied with a nod. "Now I've got a strawberry cake recipe with your name on it if," She continued putting infasis on the if. "If you stop cryin and wait 'til after the club to ask me for it." She said with a smile. Hunny beamed at her.

           "Ok!" He yelled jumping for a hug again. This time she stopped him with a hand on his chest.

        "And lay off the hugs 'kay" She said.

          "Okay!" He answered and went back to his cakes. She stood up and went to sit by Mori.

        "Morinozuka-sempai you wanna know something cool." She said.

       "Ha." He answered in that one word says everything way that only Mori can say it. Hime got closer and whispered.

            "I really dig a guy in uniform." She chuckled as his cheeks tinted red ever-so-slightly and the girls squealed

          . "Omg, what's goin on with those two?" One girl whispered.

         "Yeah, first I thought it was him and Haruhi and then it was him and Tamaki." Another agreed.

           "Yeah and I always thought there was something secretly going on with him and kyoya. You know with all the they spend together." The third girl agreed.She shook her head. 'these girls are too dumb to function properly.' She thought. With a bow she said.

           "Ladies I must be going and mitsukuni-sempai might I say," She looked up with the cutest, most sincere look she could manage. "You look absolutely adorable in that out fit, very befitting."

           The girls squealed. 'well my work here is done.' Hime thought walking away with her hands in her pockets. Suddenly the doors bursted open and Aiko and Aito ran in.

            "Hime!" Aiko yelled while Aito went around picking stuff up and looking under it.

        "Hime! Come out Come out wherever you are!" Aito called cupping his hands around his mouth like a bull-horn. Just then Kyoya came up behind him. 'Uh oh the money witch is here this can't be good.' Hime thought.

       "May I ask why the two of the famous Yami brothers are here and if you don't quiet down I'm going to have to ask you to leave." Kyoya said to Aiko. Aiko and Aito exchanged a look. 'Oh crap thats a bad look.' Hime thought and quickly head in their direction. Aito came to Aiko's side and they put their arms over eachother's shoulders and took a deep breath.

          "If either of you utter a single word and use that air in your mouth for anything but SILENT breathing I'll feed you to the cats and let the dogs have your bones!" Hime muttered murderously in their ears. The boys froze and went pale. Hime smiled at Kyoya."My fault they were looking for me and yelling out a stupid nickname they gave me when we were little." She kicked the brothers, HARD. "Right boys?" She said with a slight edge in her voice daring them to say no or say anything.

             They nodded their heads vigurously strained looks on their faces. "See harmless. Now go back to your computer while I handle these two I swear it'll probably happen again but whatcha gonna do." She said shrugging. An irratated look passed over his features briefly before he turned and walked away.

          "Oh and Yami." Kyoya said over his shoulder.

         "Yeah." She answered with an exasperated sigh.

       "Your responsible for paying for anything they break." He finished and you could hear the smile in his voice.

         "Bastard." She muttered under her breath.

        "I heard that." He said and continued walking.

          "You were meant too." Hime sighed and turned around. "What do you two want anyway?" She asked finally.

        "Is that any way to talk to your beloved brothers." Aiko asked grabbing her chin and pulling her toward him.

        "Hey! Why do you get to hug her first?" Aito whined and pulled her away from him.

       "Because you got her this morning." Aiko defended and pulled her back. "So she likes me more." Aito protested pulling her back.

        "Well we have more fun together isn't that true Hime?" Aiko said pulling her back and looking deep in her eyes.

         "Fun shes already had with me before of course." Aito countered and pulled her back to him close enough for a kiss to accidently happen. She blushed and pulled away.

         "Guys can't we do this at home?" She asked just as she was pulled back and hit two chests.

       "Yeah!" Hikaru said forcefully.

       "Leave our toy alone when she's here." Kaoru finished. "She's ours!" They said together nuzzling their faces in her neck. The brothers looked surprised and all she could think to say was...


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