Ouran Love Chapter 18 (What's wrong with people sometimes?)

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        Hime sighed and opened her eyes. After trying to fall asleep for the past five hours she realized it wasn't going to happen. "Stupid twelve hour flight." She muttered sitting up.

          "You really shouldn't be up this late." She heard a voice mutter next to her. She started to turned only to be stopped by arms wrapping around her waist.

           "Mitsukuni, what are you doing?" She asked stifling a yawn.

          "getting comfortable." Hunny whispered snuggling into her back.

         "Well then you should sit up here so I can lay back." she whispered. She felt him move around and smiled as he climbed into her lap. "So why are you up right now, kid?" She asked leaning against the back of her chair as he laid his head on her chest and closed his eyes.

            "Never went to sleep. And I'm older than you." He mumbled his voice becoming softer.

           "Of course you are, now why not?" She was confused about why he would possibly stay up so late.

            "Had to make sure you slept first. Don't be sad anymore Me- Chan we'll find your brothers. Then we'll go back home and have some cake." Hime chuckled and patted his head. He groaned and looked up at her and she thought she saw a look in his eyes that made her shiver, but it was gone as fast as it came and he was smiled again.

              "You'll go to sleep right? I'm really sleepy. I don't think I'll stay awake much longer." He was rubbing his eyes and a yawn escaped his mouth. Hime looked around the plane at all the sleeping hosts and Toby then looked down at him and nodded.

          "As long as you go to sleep Mitsukuni." He nodded and laid his head back down. "And don't enjoy this so much you naughty little boy." She said with a grin.

           "Can't help it." She thought she heard him say, but when she asked she didn't get an answer. Hime sighed and closed her eyes again thinking about her brothers. She wrapped her arms around Hunny liking the warmth and realized he was snuggling closer. She smiled and thought about their plan. When they found her brothers she would distract her parents while the hosts grabbed them and got them away. Simple enough, even without much detail. She wanted them as far as possible from her parents. If they got hurt because of her family she would never forgive herself. "What am I going to do? I'm starting to care too much." She said quietly to herself. So quietly she didn't realized she'd spoken out loud until the twins on either side of her shifted closer and she was reminded to stay quiet.

             She looked out the window outside and felt like she'd been punched in the stomach. The breath left her and she had to struggle not to squirm too much. 'I'm gonna cry. I'm seriously going to cry.' She sniffed quietly and sighed. 'No not right now. Not with Mitsukuni so close.' She took a deep breath and closed her eyes tightly making sure no tears escaped. Hunny hugged her tighter and she relaxed, slowly melting into a mercifully dreamless sleep.

            "Hime." She heard her name being whispered, but didn't want to get up yet. Wherever she was was warm and whatever she was laying on was soft and smelled pleasant. Her head felt heavy and she didn't want to think. She just wanted to continue to sleep and forget. Then thoughts came flooding in and she groaned.

           "Shh!" The annoying voice said frantically and she opened her eyes only to have to close them quickly because of the sun. She opened her eyes again and blinked looking up at Hikaru's face right in front of her.

           "What are you doing?" She asked quietly.

            "Shh! They're right there! you'll wake them up!" He was getting annoying with all this shushing. Then she noticed it was Kyoya she was laying on. When did he get here? She looked down and saw Hunny still sleeping on her.

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