Ouran Love Chapter 11 (I'm so tired...)

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          "Your too big!" Hime yelled at the twins for the third time that night.

                    "C'mon Hime you did it for Aito you have to do it for me." Aiko argued. Hime shook her head.

               "Aito asked nicely your trying to force it Aiko. Plus you'll break the chair." Hime said.

            "Yeah I asked nicely." Aito said and then moaned, "Yeah that feels nice Hime." Hime rolled her eyes.

             "Anyway Aiko my hands are a little full right now so wait your turn."

              "Fine." Aiko said angrily and sat down to wait for Hime to finish giving Aito his massage.

          "Aiko don't pout, it's not attractive." Hime sighed and continued to massage Aito's shoulders. Aito moaned again and Aiko hissed.

           "Don't openly enjoy it so much, and you know I'm always attractive Hime." Hime glared at Aiko.

          "Oh cry me a river Ko-Ko puff." Hime groaned using his old nickname.

            It was Aiko's turn to growl, "You just had to use that name didn't you." He sneered as he watched Aito snicker.

            "Oh shut up to-to." Hime said calmly adressing Aito this time. Aito stopped laughing and glared up at her.

          "Really Hime you still remember that old name?" Hime asked.

           "I remember all your nicknames sweetheart. They're too adorable to forget." She said smiling. Aiko and Aito sighed and shook their heads. "Ok Aito your all done, Aiko your turn." She said pushing Aito up from the chair she was using.

           "Finally! I love your massages Hime." Aiko said hopping up from the bed and sitting in the chair. He leaned back against Hime and smiled.

          "Don't go getting to comfortable I still have to wash dishes, laundry, and hang up the rest of their clothes before doing my homework." She said massaging Aiko's shoulders.Aiko's face turned dark and he stiffened slightly.

         "Hime all you have to do is ask and we'll help you." He said looking up at her. Hime sighed adding more pressure and Aiko moaned.

           "Yeah yeah I know you guys would help without me asking but Mother and Father told me to do it so you guys really don't need to lift a finger." Hime sighed. "OK it's 9:00 if I'm gonna get everything done the rest of your massage will have to wait till tommorow I'm sorry." Hime stepped back and quickly exited her room that they'd all been sharing since their parents came back.

          "They've been here a week when are they going to leave?" Aito asked looking sadly at his brother.

           "I don't know. If I know our parents, and sadly I do, They're only hanging around because mom likes messing with Hime." Aiko replied glaring at the door. Just then their mother walked by,

             "Aiko sweetheart you look mad at the world. You'll get wrinkles if you keep making that face." With that their mother smiled and kept walking.

           "Not mad at the world..." Aiko muttered under his breath.

         "I heard that Aiko!" He heard Hime yell and flinched. Hime always did have the best hearing and they haven't been allowed to put their ears or tails away since they're parents got here. Which means they haven't been to school since their parents got here. Hunny-sempai was taking and bringing them their homework and Kyoya had him drop off Hime's too but Aiko could tell the host club was getting worried.

       "Maybe we should go help her." Aito said looking nervously at the door. "Agreed I'll mop if you sweep." Aiko said.

          "Fair enough." Aito agreed. They bumped fists and got up walking toward the door. Suddenly their mother appeared in the door again.

        "Wait boys I have something to tell you..."

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