She looked at me waiting. I was shocked that she wanted to listen.

"There once was a boy..." I start.

I took off my coat and wrapping it around her I continue.

"Only 13. Yet with the amount of responsibilities laid down on him, he felt 20. At 15 he left home and headed off to school in another place. He couldn't go out much, too busy studying to become a king. A good king. Responsibilities became his only thoughts and actions. Sometimes, he would skip meals, too into studying. He didn't have much time to develop real experiences, of course, other then his responsibilities. His schedule became full of just responsibilities. It was always the same thing. Work, eat, work, sleep. He always knew something was missing. He was never like the others in his school. But  what that thing was, he didn't know. He never told anyone how he felt, too afraid people would think less of him."

I looked towards Rein who's eyes seemed drowsy. I stopped and just swung quietly.

"Continue." She says in her still drowsy state.

I smiled and continued.

"This feeling stayed with him all day and everyday. It would even keep him up at night, and sometimes made it hard to concentrate in his work. But he never stopped working. He was the heir to the throne and knew that he must continue. He didn't want to disappoint his parents, but soon, when he returned back home, he realized his parents would support him whatever his decision was. It soon came time that he must find a spouse, which had me thinking."

I stopped realizing I might have given away the story, but seeing she was too sleepy to catch it I continued.

" He wanted someone who would take care of the country just as he would. Someone who wouldn't just want the crown or money. He had only 3 months to prepare everything, including the wedding. It was a stressful time, but he managed. When it came time for the party, he felt nervous. He didn't have much social connections, and didn't know exactly how people would  act, but he did have an idea. And just as he thought people kept flattering him, and basically throwing themselves at his feet. He didn't like it at all. He made his way towards the buffet to indulge on some sweets. He found something he usually ate around his studying time, and chose to take it. A young woman was there too. She threw herself at him, but it wasn't how everyone else did. She didn't seem to care who he was and wasn't on him to get his attention rather the small sweet pastry in his hands. This intrigued him. No one has ever disrespected him the way she did. And although he was mad, he was interested. She was the only person who caught his eye, even if she didn't intend to. He chose her to be his queen. At first she was just a mere figure for his future, but she soon sparked something in his heart. Something he never felt before, and even today doesn't know what that feeling is." I finished.

As I turned towards my queen, who had fallen asleep on the swing, I didn't realize I was smiling.

"Goodnight, sweetheart."

Rein's POV

  I woke up unsure of what happened. Whether last night was a dream, or if it actually was reality. I could remember the  story Kai told me. I knew it was about him, and it opened a soft spot in my heart. 

The last thing I remember before I completely fell asleep, was a murmur and something on my head.

I put the thought aside and got up to go walk. Kai wasn't in the hotel, and I was bored. The first thing I noticed after I got out of the hotel was the small black kitten curled up on the floor on the other side of the sidewalk.

I guess it truly was reality. Maybe Kai is still in the park.

I walked up to the park, and surely enough he was there. I didn't know whether to go to him or not. I was just standing still until he noticed me.

I was surprised, but seeing him smile, I approached him.

We both sat silently, allowing the wind to blow in our faces. I wanted to say something but, I couldn't. Then all of a sudden someone finally decided to  start the conversation, and it was the cat. I looked at it, and then started laughing a little bit embarrassed.

The cat managed to break silence, but I couldn't.

I threw my head back from all the laughter and fell off the swing. Kai immediately got up to help me, but I was still laughing to the point of tears. It was also partly because I fell on my tailbone.

I looked at Kai for a second and started laughing even more. 

"Are you ok?" Kai asks worry lacing his words.

"I think." I say as my laughter dies down.

I wipe away the tears and try to get up, but a surge of pain hits me and I stay sitting.

"That stings." I say, rubbing my tailbone.

I must of hit it hard. Kai tries to help, but I get up alone and sit back on the swing.

"Would you like to go back?" He asks.

"Go back where?"

"To the hotel."

I let out a sigh and think.

"What should we explore?"

"Excuse me?" He asks confused as to what I'm saying.

"Japan. There are so many things to do here. Why stay cramped in a hotel room when we could do so much more? Am I right?" I say, turning towards the kitten who curled itself on my feet.

"Can I see your phone?" I ask.

He hands it to me, hesitant at first. I grab it out of his hands and begin to do what I need to do.

"Exactly what is it that you are doing?" He asks.

"I'm making a list." I reply. "A list of all the things I wish to do before we leave Japan."

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