We are Legion

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Vanitas's p.o.v.

(Day 1 after pride)

"Hey, Aiden. How'd you end up here?"

Aiden was just changing out of a costume for a show he finished. We actually got a few more customers from the pride parade. A success so far.

"Hmm." Aiden says. "Well I was kinda in a low point. At the time I was dating a guy named Heath who had money and wanted an asian pretty boy like me...so he brought me to the country. While I grew to care about Heath, he grew jealous and only cared about my looks. Thing's got violent a lot and he'd call me a cheating whore because he swore I was sleeping with every guy that'd pass me a glance."

"Well you're an attractive guy. One would think that's why people would pass you glances." I reason.

"I know right." Aiden laughs. "But jealousy is blinding. Heath knew that I wasn't equipped to be on my own in such a strange new country...especially with my bad english at the time...and he liked to keep it that way." Aiden sighs. "That way he could break up with me and kick me out whenever he felt like I wasn't fully under his thumb...or when he wanted to fuck random strangers and then get back together when he felt like I'd been reminded that I needed him to survive. One particular time...I was wandering the streets looking for a place to sleep while Heath was angry and broke up with me, Khalil found me in the rain, bruised and beaten down, physically and spiritually and he helped me escape and start a life of my own." Aiden smiles. "He paid for classes to help with my english, helped me get a place, gave me a job and taught me that I don't really need anyone but myself. This club is my home. Without it being here I'd probably still be Heath's Trophy boy."

"That's quite a survival story." I comment. "I'm glad you're still here."

"Thanks." Aiden says. "Oh and before you ever ask me how to say anything in japanese...portuguese is my first language. I grew up in brazil. My mom never taught me a lick of japanese."

I chuckle slightly. "Noted."

(Day 2 after pride)

"So...Rico...what's your story?" I ask.

Rico looks up from his drink and over to me."

"Me? Hmm..." He thinks. "Well I was born in Texas to my naturally Catholic parent's along with my brother Ethan and my sister Karen. We went to church every sunday and were a model mixed race family." Federico takes a big sip from his drink. "But...I kinda
...had sex...with the pastor's son." He winces. "I was just curiously exploring my sexuality at that time and made that dumb mistake. My family and community did not like that...so they kicked me out. I walked from Texas to Kansas as I couch surfed and slept with strangers for places to sleep at night until... Well I tried to sleep with Bernie."

"Bernie?" I question.

"For a place to sleep." Rico explains. "Older guys tend to be a bit more desperate. Instead...he just gave me a job and bought me a room for like a month. I'm grateful. I don't really say it or tell them...but the guys and their goofy or annoying antics remind me of home."

"Why don't you tell the guys how you feel?" Cal suggests from behind the bar. "I think they'd probably appreciate it."

"Nah. I'll pass." Federico replies.

Cal just raises an eyebrow

(Day 3 after pride)

Gomorrah seemed like it might become a weekend spot for a few guys and even girls lately. Like how you discover an obscure restaurant that's really great so you go after church every sunday...except I can't imagine anyone leaving church and going directly to a strip club but what do I know. I catch Tony coming back from doing a show for our new guests.

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