Beast from the sea

717 33 2

Vanitas's p.o.v.

Holy Crap, today was the day! We got a float for Gay Pride and we'd be advertising the club with merchandise that we'd be throwing out to the crowd like beads, t-shirts and crop tops and other crap. Part of me was excited to finally be on this side of a Gay Pride parade. I hadn't realized it till now but I've waited my whole life to do something like this. But the other part of me...

"You look worried." John comments.

He'd decided to tag along for this and was made to wear a costume like the rest of us. He was in a red speedo and more than cheap looking devil horns.

"You look sexy." I joke.

"Ugh. Don't make me think about it." John says. "But I'm serious. You alright?"

"Yeah." I answer. "I just...feel like a fraud. I'm gonna be promoting gay pride today when I've been promoting gay oppression for so long. It almost feels disingenuous."

John casually rests his arm on my shoulder. "But aren't you trying to be your genuine self now? Wouldn't it have made more sense to feel insincere back when you were hiding who you really were?" John reasons.

"Hmm. I guess you're right about that." I reflect. "Thanks...big brother."

John suddenly wraps his arm around my head in a playful headlock. "You need to start having more faith in yourself." He says.

"Okay. I will." I laugh, trying to escape.

John tightens his grip. "I want to hear you say it."

"Alright, alright." I laugh. "I'll have more faith in myself."

"Good." John replies. "Because I love you and want you to be happy."

I wasn't sure if he was reassuring me or threatening with the way he said it. It was likely a combination of both.

"estén listos chicos." Rico comes up and says. "It's almost time to go."

Rico was wearing an open sleeveless blazer, short shorts and a top hat decorated with a pair of horns. A costume befitting of our Mephisto.

Aiden was dressed in traditional Japanese hakama with nothing under so he had a lot of side cheek action going on. They were bound at the ankle and complemented with flat leather sandals that look more on the greek side. Instead of wearing a top he was just covered in mystical japanese characters that I couldn't even attempt to read. And he wore a tengu mask.

Jared wore skin tight black leather suite with the front torso cut out and decorative dark purple armor on the arms and legs. The sleeves had draping feather like leather flaps and his hands and feet were decorated to be very talon like. Finishing it all off was a one way mask that matched the purple armor but made Jared appear faceless with no facial features save for the red blade like horns protruding from where Jared's eyebrows would be.

Tony's costume was the most interesting to me. He wore a spikey insectoid like exoskeleton layered with black and blue bone like plating with the only open part being his abdomen which revealed the extremely skin tight latex suit he wore underneath...and his muscle showed through it very well. He rocked a plated and reptilian like tail and an extra pair of arms being puppeteered by his actual arms and clawed hands. His mask had symmetrical razor like protrusion coming from were his cheekbones were along with a similar protrusion coming out of the center of his forehead, like a unicorn if it's horn was a fancy bone katana.

Khalil himself looked like a typical rendition of satan with a full body suit made to look like red leathery demon skin complete with gargoyle wings and twisty and extravagant horns on his mask.

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