New Testement

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(Before anyone asks...yes...the picture above is John as some sort of sexy Messiah. I'm not apologizing)

Vanitas's p.o.v.

I step out of the shower drying myself as quickly as possible. The weather was getting colder as it approached winter and my house didn't have great insulation so the last thing I wanted to be was wet. I put on my night clothes and go into the living room to check on Pedro. Ever since yesterday when he found out that we'd be dealing with the man that ruined his life, he's be on edge. I even called in to work tonight just so he wouldn't have to be alone. He was viciously dominating in call of duty currently. Neither of us yet knew how we wanted to approach the situation or if we even could. This was business that was out of our depth.

There's a knock on the door which catches my attention. Who was knocking on my door? Nobody knocks on my door. I look at Pedro who was equally perplexed as I. I go unlock the door and cautiously peek out to see who was on the other side. My gaze trails up and I briefly lock eyes with a familiar face. I slam the door shut in sudden panic, startling Pedro. I lean my full weight against the door, as if he'd try to force his way in. It's been three years. Why was he here now?

"Van?" John calls from the other side of the door.

The sound of his voice strikes a primal fear into my heart. "No no no no no no no no no." I mumble.

I quickly lock the door back and slide down into a seated position. I couldn't let him see me. Not as I am now. I was a mess, thrown away, and I hadn't accomplished anything since we split up. I was too much of a coward to face my family without him. I couldn't control my violent impulses and looked like a cheap trailer park whore. I was the worst version of myself possible. This was the last way I wanted him to see me again.

"Vanitas, I just want to talk." John pleads.

"Go away!" I shout, too embarrassed to face him even with this door between us

"Van, I..." He starts. "I just wanna see your least one more time. Would you do me the honor of at least that, little brother?

"Don't call me that!" I demand. "I'm not your little brother anymore." My hands were literally trembling. I wasn't who he thought I was. Not for a long time now. So much about me had changed. I didn't have it in me to disappoint his expectations and face his rejection.

A scuffling sound comes from the other side of the door. Likely from John sitting and leaning up against it much like I was now.

"Yes you are." John assures. "That hasn't changed...not unless you want it to."

I bury my face in my palms, wishing I could believe that.

"Do you...remember how we came up with that little pet name?" John questions. "We gave up everything to be together. Our families, our friends, our faith. We knew the implications. We called each other brother because we both became..."

"Sons of perdition." I mumble, finishing his sentence.

"That's our bond. We'd love each other no matter what. Not even the threat of burning on hell could keep us apart." John says.

I remembered. How could I forget? My family abandoned me the moment they figured I wouldn't be joining them in heaven but Johnathan was there for me through thick and thin, doing his best to support me. He never left. It was me who left him.

"Can I just see you? Even if it's just for a little bit? ...even if it's for the last time." John pleads.

Truthfully, I wanted to see him again, too. To be embraced by him one more time...even if it was the last time. John and I shared a bond more intimate than I could have with anyone else. Not just friends or lovers. We were both kindred spirits borne in flame. Fundamentally different than our kin. Or at least that's how it felt.

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