Satan 1:5

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The picture above is Eve

Vanitas's p.o.v.

I'm trapped. I'd walked into a dead end ally way. The man slowly closes the space between us as he walks closer. The darkness around is suffocating and disturbs the soul. I look around for an escape route in a panic. Suddenly a calming hand is placed on my shoulder. I look to see Red offering a smile. He looks toward the darkness and opens his mouth to speak.

"Before none of your printed idols
do I bend in acquiescence,
and he who saith "thou shalt" to me is my mortal foe."

With those words the darkness withdraws itself and Red disappears along with it.

Everything becomes suddenly lucid and I remember that I've through this before. Those words were what Red said to me yesterday. They were like a trigger word to suppress the fear.

The man. His face wasn't silhouetted anymore. I was taken aback by who my assailant was. Before me stood John...or rather, a dream of him. He had a suggestive smirk on his face.

"What are you doing?" I ask like an idiot

"Only what you want me to." He claims as he pins me to the wall with his arms on either side of me.

"W-what?" I stammer. "No. I hate you. I can't stand you."

John (or rather dream John) just chuckles. "I know how you really feel." "I know how much you miss when you and him were inseparable as kids."

"You don't know what you're talking about." I sneer.

"Yes I do" Dream John continues. "This is your dream. These are your thoughts that you locked away behind your fears."

"I'm not a fag." I protest. "I'm-

"-just afraid of what your family'll think. Afraid of what I...What he'll think. I know." John smirks. "I know because you know. I know about the butterflies you get in your stomach whenever he touches you. I know about that sick and twisted fetish for pain that you keep hidden away. The euphoria makes your heart race and it brings your senses to life...especially pleasure. Right? I know how much you love it when you and him get into fights because you like the hurt that he gives you." He grins. "I know how excited it gets you." Dream John leans in slowly, his voice hushed down to a whisper. "I know how much you want me to-"

I push him back just before his lips meet mine.

"No! None of that is true." I declared.

"Then why are you arguing with yourself?" John's face becomes serious. "I'm not even really him. I'm just...repressed thoughts."

"No! No, you can't be." I snap. "I refuse to let that be the truth."

Dream John smirks once more and takes a step back. "You sound like your family."

That actually hurt me a bit. In fact it was enough to shock me awake. I was now staring at the ceiling of my room, my eyes on my rotating ceiling fan while I reflected on the dream I just had.

'I don't like John.' I think to myself. 'I'm not a fa-...I'm not gay.'

My phone alarm snaps me out of my thoughts. Today was Monday. Had to get ready for school.

I look down at my sheets relieved and thanking God that they weren't covered in my splooge. Red's hypnosis helped that at least. I slip out of bed and grab some clothes for a shower.

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