Exodus 22:21

851 44 4

Thou shall not wrong a stranger or oppress him...

John's p.o.v.

The sun was just starting to really rise and I'd finally reached my destination. I was at the accursed summer school: Saint Paul's.

I step out of car and walk towards the entrance. I didn't know how I was going to approach this but I'd figure it out. I go and pull at the front door and it's fucking locked. I take a brief moment to suppress the frustration that was really building up inside of me today. Of course it'd be fucking locked. Gotta think of an alternative.

I know it's a school with dorm rooms or something but it made no sense for every way in to be locked at all times. There had to be at least one person who needed a way in and out at any given time they needed without a key..........

Any good school had a maintenance worker or technician...and there was always an obscure back entrance for them just in case they needed it. I start to sneak around back staying out of sight from the cameras just in case anyone was watching, some spot where unavoidable though so here's to hoping security is piss poor.

Around the back is a number of doors that could lead to different places so I just start trying them all. One them opens to an office. Bookcases lined the walls, all of them filled with bible after bible after bible. It was a little bit creepy. There was also a computer sitting on the desk in the back end of the room. Something telling me to check the computer crosses my mind.

I sneak over to the computer and move the mouse, prompting the screen to turn back on. My eyes widen in absolute disgusted horror at what I saw. Someone had done very lengthy research on psychological abuse and terrorizing. There were details about how if a person tries to sleep in an environment that has drastic temperature changes, their brain will become extremely active in their sleep to try and wake them up, producing vivid dreams and how combining that with playing sounds around 19hz can induce repetitive night terrors and panic attacks. There were details about subjecting people to drowning simulation and variants and how to properly gaslight them about their experience and so much more.

"What the fuck¿" I whisper to myself these people were literally torturing teenagers and brainwashing them to question the severity of their own experience.

The research was continuous, suggesting that they kept looking for new ways to torture people. I take out my phone and take a picture. I look around for some more dirt, now I wanted this place shut down.

I find a small filling cabinet under the desk. I grab some random files and and skim them. I stumble on one about one of the workers Jacob was dishonorably discharged from the military. This drove my curiosity to search more. Finding more documents about the employees I discovered that about a third of them were either exmilitary or excons. That was too suspicious. I think they were actually trying to build a prison like environment. I take more pictures but have mind enough to not get too tied up. I put everything back how I found it and sneak out another door, leading into the hallway. I had to find out where Van was. I carefully stalk the halls, listening for clues or staff that i should avoid. I turn a corner and jump back when I see someone waiting in front of a door. I'm certain he hadn't seen me. I hear footsteps coming from a perpendicular hall so I panic and find the nearest room to hide in.

I find myself in the boiler room, where the water heater was. I listen for the footsteps, waiting for them to pass but they end up going down the same hall as the man I saw. I crack open the the door to get a clear listen on what might've been going on between the two of them.

"Leave the kids be for a little longer." Rang a woman's voice. "The tech says he saw something suspicious on the camera's. We're doing a lockdown and search."

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