I turned my head downwards and smiled at my digimon partner. Kari looked up and smiled at Gatomon, the two of us grateful for our partners' love and concern.

"How come you didn't say something before now, Kari?" Tai asked, fear evident in his eyes, "If we had known, we could've rested until you felt better and then noticed that Raya was feeling bad."

"You mad?" Kari asked, "I didn't want to slow anyone down." She coughed harshly, closing her eyes as she tried to rest.

"I'm sorry, too. I didn't think I was too seriously sick." I said.

Tai and Izzy went off away from the group to come up with a plan, meanwhile, Kari and I continued to rest for a little while longer in the shade.

"Raya, you know what happens when you get too hot, your leg...." Tk trailed off, placing his hand on my prosthetic leg, before pulling away at the heat from it.

It was true, the heat from the desert made my leg too hot and if it gets hot enough, it could leave a burn scar. I didn't think about that nor did I really care at the time. I just thought of Kari and if she would get better.

There goes my selflessness coming through. Caring more about others than myself. Then again, Kari did the same thing, not telling everyone about her being sick just like I did.

I lifted my head and patted Tk's head, and even when I smiled to reassure him that I was going to be okay, it was still a little shaky.

"I know, Tk, but I couldn't let me being sick keep us from our goal." I said before coughing into my hand. I felt worse than before, and my vision was barely working.

A few minutes later, Tentomon came back with good news. There was a city nearby that might've had some medicine for Kari and me, not to mention be a safe place to rest until we got better.

Tentomon digivolved to Kabuterimon and we all hopped on to fly over to the city.

"Look down there, right up ahead." Kabuterimon said after we flew for a while, "You wanted civilization, it doesn't get more civilized than this."

We looked down and saw a large bridge stretching over the ocean, leading to a large city that looked strangely familiar.

"Is that America!?" Tk gasped when he saw the bridge and city it led to.

It was indeed America, but as we kept flying, it changed.

"That's New York City. But that isn't." Sora said, pointing out the Roman Coliseum right outside the city.

"That's Rome." Izzy said, "We studied that in geography." The scenery changed again. From the Coliseum to a large road leading underneath a large arc.

"And that, that's the arch de'triumph, in Paris. They're all smushed together."

"It's like that theme park in Florida." Tai compared.

"Expect this place is deserted." Sora said, "Look, there's not a sign of life anywhwre."

Kari groaned, her sickness becoming worse by the minute. And I wasn't doing much better. I coughed harshly, my body shaking with every cough.

"Izzy, Kari's getting worse, let's find a place to land." Tai said, extreme worry in his voice.

"And Raya's not doing any better either." Tk added.

Izzy frantically looked around for a safe spot to land, finally spotting a large house in a suburb. We landed and Kari and I were immediately taken to the largest bedroom.

For a large bedroom, it only had one bed. I didn't mind sharing with Kari, I used to share a bed with Matt and Tk all the time when I was little. This was no different.

Digimon Adventure: A Yamato love storyWhere stories live. Discover now