Apologies: Chapter 16

Start from the beginning

It's now midnight.

12 am.

Another day.

Another day added to one's life.

Another day diminished to one's life.

The silence sounded so annoying, Yuna had decided to ransack it mercilessly, "Oh, don't you even talk about it." she demanded fiercely as she gave her a lethal glare.

"If ever, that's the only thing that I will leave." she sighed exasperatedly and chuckled bitterly as her last word dawned on her mind, "Leave. Haaa... I don't even know how will I then leave and cease to exis--"

A loud thud intervened her sentence, as a stapler landed just right before her resting hand. "You see that? It's fully loaded. If you do not stop blabbering, I will really staple your mouth, you just see Hwang Eunbi." she cautioned, as if she's doing it with a gun pointed to her at mid air. Every single word was delivered as clear and vivid as possible, accompanied with her dignified aura.

Witnessing this, normal people might have already peed their pants from fright. Eunbi, on the other hand wasn't scared at any means, but the fact that she's the cause why Yuna's spine-chilling behavior was breaking out, was the one she's more concerned about.

"Ahmm.. yeah, I'll stop now. I'm sorry."

Yuna could just frown at her answer.

Those words of apology were established ubiquitous in her mouth, it became dull and redundant as time goes by. But it also became more translucent and heavy, like in every single time Eunbi enchants those words, it digs deeper into the depths of her soul.

It's demolishing every nooks of her entire being.




Yuna went to Eunbi, strides gentle and firm. She grasped the stapler and hid it away from there, "If I would be given a brick for every single time I hear an apology from you, then I might have already built a house by now."

She wasn't even exaggerating, not even a bit. Saying an apology was like Eunbi's second nature. It was her second most used word next to an expression "oh".

"Ah.. okay."

"Anyways," Yuna began, fiddling with the pens in the holder, "I saw her every time, peeking in this room. She was like a lost kid. And also, I didn't know you're the classic type. 'mon tresor' really?"

"It was hers, anyway, I just returned it back. And you saw her, might be just because she needs to pass something here."

Yuna shook her head and wrote the word 'stupid' on Eunbi's hand, "Might be also because, she wants to see someone."

Of course, Yuna could only mean one thing, it was a good thing indeed. But not for Eunbi's uncertain future and foul doubts. "I hope what happened before won't repeat this time."

"It already did."

The game has long started, even before anyone of them got aware of it. Even before anyone of them got aware of its very existence.

The game was now slowly crawling to its end, dragging everything behind into a perfect oblivion.

It was the game of black and white.

1 and 0.

True and False.

Love and Fear.

Joy and Regret.

And of course, Life and Death.


Their discourse last night ended just as abrupt as that. For everything in the room was only getting even darker than the cold night scene outside.

Yuna only gave up on Eunbi after the condition that she puts healing cream on her bruises, change into something decent and that she eats well.

Eunbi didn't even got a wink of sleep last night, there's just a mountain of work left to do and she cannot afford to rest at that state.

Frankly speaking, her life was condemned in the hospital itself. Even going home to pacify the tranquility within her wasn't even an option.

Browsing files, she was suddenly reminded that she needs to check the wards' situation, for she's been out for a couple of days

Walking the corridors, her long refined lab coat swayed magnificently, following the tracks of her steps.

Along her way, there she saw the same person they're just talking about last night. A glimpse of her smile and it was more than enough to bring panic to Eunbi's entire nervous system.

Her smile outshined the head doctor as she bowed slightly and greeted her, "Hello, Dr. Hwa--"

But her words were kept undone as, a little girl, whom Eunbi failed to notice earlier, gushed towards her.

Oh Akane.

She must have been so caught up by Yerin's presence she got dizzy noticing Akane's mere one.

The same little girl engulfed Eunbi's body in a warm concoction of hug before loudly bursting in, "I MISS YOU EOMMA!!"

And just then, Yerin's jaw dropped.


im sorry for the long wait. i actually had to rewrite this chapter for a couple of times, coz for some reasons.. i don't think it's okay enough just yet,  hikhok>>>>))(

i hope you'll have a good day ahead~


Apologies | Sinrin [HIATUS]Where stories live. Discover now