a transfer

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I'm completely freezing as I walk to school. I hated it here. New Jersey was so boring. I moved schools because... not right now.

Anyways, as I approach my new school a brisk of wind hits my face as I open the door. Everyone does not even acknowledge me. Great, now I know I won't be much of a loser I guess. I open the front office door to grab my schedule, "hi I'm a new student and I came here to pick up my schedule? erm my names mae castano?" I say as she pulls up my file from her computer. She nods as she starts printing things out and tells me to sit on one of the chairs.

The lady calls me back so I could take my id photo and what not. Mae Castano, a junior that is insanely anti social.

Yes my last name sounds familiar. Twin brother named Mariano but he lives in Ottawa with my dad. Our parents split back in middle school but they still co parent. You could say my parents were wealthy. I do miss my brother, last time I seen him was last summer but I wished it lasted longer. We're about 8 hours away from each other but we still act as if we live next door.

Passaic valley was a school just a couple blocks away from my house. I told myself I was never gonna go to this high school since it was filled with girls who didn't like me in middle school but here I am.

"Mae? Your papers are right here. We're gonna have a student come in and show you around." The nice lady with glasses said to me as I nodded and sat back down. My music was blasting through my right ear as someone walks in and goes up to the counter. That's my cue. I stand up and the girl is guided to me. "Hi, my names Taylor and I'll be showing you around today." She says with pretty white straight teeth. I give her a slight smile and nod as she walks out the door with me behind her. "So where are you from?" She says walking down the hall. "Um I'm from New Jersey, I just transferred schools is all." I say a bit ashamed. "Oh really? Which school?" She says intrigued. "Banyan." She nods as we approach my locker. She shows me my code before I put my unnecessary things in it. She then shows me around campus and around the school. "Lastly is the cafeteria." She says as we approach a big door with low ceiling. Most cafeterias I been too has always had high ceilings but I guess not here. She shows me where everything is at, from the snack bar to the register. "Well that's it, here's the bell schedule. It's pd 3 right now." She says as I thank her for her time. She obviously says no problem and then walks off. I contemplate, should I just skip today?? No I can't. It's my first day. What can happen? Everything. Okay.

I walk to my third period and inhale before opening the door. The class immediately turns their attention to me and I regret not ditching. "Um im a transfer, Mae Castano?" I say a bit quieter to the teacher so no one really hears my last name. Obviously I'm not embarrassed by it but Mariano has grew a bit fame and I don't need people knowing we're related. "Oh alright, um have a seat in that back corner if you can. Or do you need to be up close to see the board?" He says raising a brow. "No it's fine." I say walking pass the little group of girls that eye me out as I walk up the aisle and fall into my seat. I recognize a few a them from middle school but they don't need to know I remember them. I seep into my seat immediately as I leave one side of my airpods in. I literally hate geometry. I don't even know why this is a subject here.

The teacher rambles about stuff I've learned in algebra 2 as I slowly fall asleep. "Boring I know." A voice disturbs me from my side. I give the boy a little smile before going on my phone. The teacher does not care because I can see half the class dozing off. "I'm Robert." The guy next to me says as he writes something down on his paper. "Mae." I say taken off by his sudden conversation he had sparked up. "Where you from?"
"Banyan." I say hoping he wouldn't react. "Ghetto." He says as I giggle a little. "You're not wrong." I say as I kinda lean up. Before we can further our convo the bell rings and I look at my bell schedule, 4th period next, great. "See you around Mae." Robert says as he gets up from his seat and walks out the door. Hey at least I kind of made a friend, unless he did that to just mock me then I don't know.

Walking during passing was a bit intimidating. Obviously no one knows me here so as I walk in the hall I get a few stares and bumps. I shrug it off as I continue to find my class. I absolutely fail as the tardy bell rings and I finally find it. I walk in and once again, everyone is in their seats. Science, great. I do it once more as my teacher tells me to sit at a table with a group of kids. I approach the lab table and I just Seriously hope none of them talk to me. Cause seriously I cannot keep on a fake smile right now. I'd really rather be at home right now. The period goes by fast as the teacher again once explains things I've already learned. I guess my old high school was a bit ahead. I didn't really pay attention to anyone in class, I knew I got a few stares but whatever. There was three people on my lab table, a guy and two girls. The guy had long hair that laid on his forehead, one of the girls were blonde, and the other one had brownish hair. They didn't talk to me but kept a conversation among them selves. I'm not mad I'm actually completely thankful lol.

Authors note:

Heyyy! This is gonna involve of course, Alejandro, mattia, kairi, Robert etc. This story is gonna be a kind of hectic one I guess? I never seen anyone write one like this so here goes nothing. Please leave comments and suggestions on what to write about :) also vote for my book if you could :)

those boys - Alejandro Rosario & Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now