Ep. 21 : Treaty

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(Canada POV)
As I watched USA and Russia were having a Russian roulette competition, the survival chances kept decreasing. Until it was the sixth round. The sixth round was USA's turn. This round had the least survival chances. Maybe nearly 0%. USA aimed the gun at his head. Before he could spin the bullet holes, I had already knew that he might not survive so I opened my bag and took out my Medieval Knight helmet that I just bought. I wore it. And when he spun the bullet holes, I ran quickly to him and pushed him away.

"Owwww....." USA screamed as he fell to the ground. The gun shot and the bullet hit my head. I didn't die because the helmet was protected me. Then the bullet fell to the ground. I got up as asked "Bro, are you okay?"
He got up with a confusing look. He asked "What happened?"
"You almost got shot by the bullet bro! Luckily that I saved your life just in time." I replied him. Then he didn't say anything but tears started to stream down from his eyes through his sunglasses. Then he hugged me and said "Thank you sis. Thank you so much. I would have died if you didn't save me. I'm so sorry for misunderstanding you. Now I believe you. You never betray on me. I love you sis."
"I love you too bro." I told him while I was crying a little bit. Then we separated apart.

I then turned to Russia who was watching from behind. He didn't say anything but glanced at us. He said "See? I told ya. Once a sibling, always a sibling." And I just nodded.
"I think there is no one win this game at all. Then we have to make another deal." Russia told us.
"What deal!? I don't want to play you tricky game like this anymore! You almost got both of us killed!" USA complained seriously.
"No, we don't play Russian roulette anymore. The deal is....Since no one win then we have to admit the same things. Alaska and Siberia will belong to both of us. But Alaska will be under your territory and Siberia will be under my territory. We will annex lands together. I will not invade Alaska without your permission and you should NOT take natural resources from my Siberia again! Deal?" Russia asked seriously. USA had no choices but to deal with it.

Russia took out a piece of paper and wrote the treaty of Alaska-Siberia. The treaty said.

"Treaty Of Alaska-Siberia
Alaska will be under American territory and Siberia will be under Russian territory. United States Of America will annex Alaska-Siberia lands and boarder with Russian Federation.
Signed by : United States Of America, Russian Federation"

            Signed by : United States Of America, Russian Federation"

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USA sighed and signed the treaty. Russia also signed even though they were not really like that. But then I realised something. "I always wanted Alaska secretly. I haven't tell Russia about his but USA already knew that because he read my diary." I watched them as they were signing the treaty. I sighed and thought to myself "Maybe I wouldn't get Alaska anyway. Why do I keep thinking about this? USA once told me that he would give Alaska to me if I got in a relationship with Russia. But this time, he might cancelled that promise already. But anyway, I don't even care. Just forget it!" I walked away secretly and sat on the bench alone by myself.
"I will forget about Alaska anyway. Let's just watch YouTube to make me forget about it." I said quietly to myself as I turned on my phone and watched YouTube videos about AFOW (It's a short term for 'Alternate Future Of the World') It was a mapping series that I always love to watch.

While I was watching AFOW, I felt someone tapped me from behind. I looked behind and saw USA and Russia was standing behind and staring at me.
"Wha! What do you want?" I asked by shaking my voice a little bit.
"Canada, you want Alaska right?" USA asked me. This time he sounded nicer than usual.
"Y-Yes, I'm glad you still remember that." I said with a grin.
"Of course I wouldn't forget. I still have that treaty and I brought it too. Do you want to sign it?" He asked while pulling out an old sheet of paper from his bag.
"Wow! America! I thought you ripped off that treaty already." I said surprisingly.
"Of course I ripped off that treaty already. But this one is an edited version of it. I always make a copy of every treaties that I made." USA said.
"Really? That...That's....so nice! Thank you!" I said joyfully.
"Do you want to read it and sign it now?" He asked.
"YES!!!" I replied. I was so exited and then Russia said. "Can I sign it too?" We all nodded.

"Treaty of Alaska
Once Alaska was governed by United States Of America and Russian federation. We will let Dominion of Canada join our government.
Signed by : Dominion of Canada, United States Of America, Russian federation."

   I signed the treaty happily and continued watching AFOW

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I signed the treaty happily and continued watching AFOW. I was so happy that time. Since USA and Russia were now allies and I got to govern Alaska with them. I was happy.

After all of us had finished our business, USA told us that he would leave. We said goodbye to him. He packed his bag and let Mexico carry it for him. Me and Russia went to send USA back to his country at Moscow airport. Then I was about to leave from Russia country but Russia grabbed me from behind.
"Wait Canada! Don't leave yet. I miss you." He said sounded sadly.
"I don't want to leave but I have to, Russia. Or else my plane ticket will expired." I tried to refuse. Actually I didn't want to leave. I was so happy when I'm with Russia. He meant a lots to me. Then I had an idea. I told him "Since we signed the treaty already. If you miss me, you can come visit me at Alaska. It belongs to three of us after all. When you arrived at Alaska, call me. I'll be there." I said by give him the last hug before I left.

When I was about to head inside the airport, I heard Russia screamed from behind. "Hey Canada! What if I ask you to go on a date at Alaska. Will that be okay?"
I was shocked. I stopped for a while and me face heated up. My face turned bright red as red as my flag and I turned around to him.
"I'll think about it. Call me when you arrive at Alaska then." I told him and headed inside the airport.

Along the plane flight, all I could think about was Russia. He asked me on a date. I couldn't help but blush. I couldn't wait for him to come to meet me at Alaska as soon as possible.
"Russia asked me on a date. OMG!"

(To be continued...)

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