Ep. 17 : Almost Countdown

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It had been a week since Russia left the hospital. His scar had recovered. He was allowed to take off the bandage. The next day came, it was 31 of December which every European countries would have a meet up to celebrate New Year countdown. Russia decided to take his siblings and Canada too.

   Russia took his siblings and came knocked at Canada's door. Canada opened the door and said "Good morning everyone. How was your day?"
"It's good! Anyway, I'm coming to invite you to the New Year countdown celebration with us. Do you want to go?" Russia said to her.
"I'd love to. Wait a minute. I'm going to get ready for it." Canada said and then headed back in a hostel room. She got dressed beautifully by wearing her most beautiful winter hat. It was the one that Russia bought for her at the snow festival. After a while, Canada came out of the hostel room. Russia started at her and complimented her "You look so beautiful. You must be the most beautiful countryball tonight." Canada then blushed. She quietly thanked Russia. Then Belarus was jealous. She said "Не! Я самая прыгожая. не Канада." (No! I'm the most beautiful. Not Canada.) Russia nervously laughed and quietly apologised to his narcissism sister.

A few distances later, they arrived at the Central Europe at Austria country. They gave the guards their passport and invitation cards and headed into the ceremony. They sat around a circle table with a white tablecloth on it. There was a candlestick and a glass flower pot on the middle of the table. While sitting around the table, the waiter served them 3 glasses vodkas and a glass of maple syrup. They talked about many stuffs at the ceremony. Canada seemed to enjoy it too.

Meanwhile, Belarus saw a familiar countryball at the front table. She realised that it was Poland(her crush) so she asked Russia for permission to go meet Poland. Russia nodded and then Belarus quickly ran to Poland.
"POLSKA!!!!! I'm coming! Do you miss me?" She screamed while running.
"Co K-Kurwa?" Poland was confused and then shocked when he saw Belarus running toward him. Poland quickly ran away as fast as he could.
"Nie...N-Not her again Kurwa." Poland quickly hid himself under the table.
"Polska....where are you? I miss you baby." Belarus said while looking for Poland.

At the same time, a relaxing music played as Russia sat at the table across Canada by Ukraine sat next to him. And then everyone's attention was brought to the front stage. United Kingdom stepped on the stage and stood in the middle of the stage, behind the microphone. He started to sing karaoke with his beautiful British accent. Everyone clapped for him while the music was playing smoothly. He sang 2 songs. They were 'Rule Britannia' and 'God save the queen'
(These songs below)

After he had done singing the songs, everyone clapped for him and he walked down the stage. Austria as the announcer said "Good job UK! Very beautiful accent. Next person, who wants to sing come up to the front stage." Then Ukraine provoked Russia and told him something. "Ви також маєте приємний акцент. Не втрачай його." (You also have a nice accent. Don't lose him.)
At first Russia wasn't sure about it but then he got up and confidently walked up to the front stage. He stood behind the microphone and proudly sang 'Soviet anthem'

Everyone was surprised of how wonderful this song was. After that, Russia continued singing another song. It was 'Katyusha' song but it was that parody of it. He changed the word 'Катюша'(Katyusha) to 'Канада'(Kanada). Russia announced to everyone "This song I sing for a special person. Canada!"
He heard a sound of crowd cheered and clapped for him. They screamed nicely and that made Russia so proud. He started to sing.

"... ~~Расцветали яблони и груши, Поплыли туманы над рекой. Выходила на берег Канада, На высокий берег на крутой.
Выходила, песню заводила Про степного, сизого орла, Про того, которого любила, Про того, чьи письма берегла.
Ой ты, песня, песенка девичья, Ты лети за ясным солнцем вслед. И бойцу на дальнем пограничье От Канада передай привет.
Пусть он вспомнит девушку простую, Пусть услышит, как она поет, Пусть он землю бережет родную, А любовь Канада сбережет~~..."

   Canada suddenly blushed even though she didn't know the meanings but she liked it. After Russia had done singing it, everyone clapped for him and someone screamed out "SHIP!!! Russia and Canada!"
Russia suddenly blushed too and quickly ran down the stage. Russia quietly sat at his table and hid himself with the chair then Canada said "Thank you Russia. This is really nice."

(To be continued...)

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